Multiple choices
1, Latham failed at his second attempt because _____.
a. he did not get up early enough
b. he had to make another forced landing
c. he only got within half a mile of Dover
d. his plane had not been repaired properly
2, It _____ to be an exciting race across the Channel.
a. would promise b. would have promised c. was promising d. promised
3, 看起来我们做了正确的选择。(tip: 其实不然)
4, 车闸坏了,所以车撞到了树上。
5, 我们已经走完了一半的路程。
6, 不要轻易放弃!我们离市中心还有不到一公里。
7, Over a year passed before the first attempt was made.
8, A week before, he had completed a successful overland flight during which he covered twenty-six miles. |