新概念英语第二册教材的文章大多短小精悍,结构严谨,非常适合同学们背诵记忆,然而,在教学过程中,我发现同学们往往为了背诵而背诵,却不知道怎样将记忆的内容为自己所用,因此写作时依然是没有头绪,只能写出一些简单句。今天就让我们一起来看看新概念二册中蕴藏怎样的经典句子吧。 新概念第二册课文:Lesson 10
经典句子: We have an old musical instrument.It is called a clavichord.It was made in
Germany in 1681.Our clavichord is kept in the living room.It has belonged to our
family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.
We have an old物品种类It is called a物品名称.It was made in 物品产地 in 物品生产时间.Our
物品名称is kept in 物品存放地.It has belonged to our family for a long time.
The物品种类was bought by 购买人 many years ago.
仿写练习: 物品种类:电气(electrical equipment)
物品名称: 洗衣机 (washing machine)
物品产地: 中国 (Japan)
物品生产时间: 1980
物品存放地: 洗手间 (the washroom)
购买人: 我的爸爸(my father)
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