新概念英语第二册教材的文章大多短小精悍,结构严谨,非常适合同学们背诵记忆,然而,在教学过程中,我发现同学们往往为了背诵而背诵,却不知道怎样将记忆的内容为自己所用,因此写作时依然是没有头绪,只能写出一些简单句。今天就让我们一起来看看新概念二册中蕴藏怎样的经典句子吧。 新概念第二册课文: Lesson 30
经典句子: The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home.I like
sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons.It was warm last Sunday, so I went and
sat on the river bank as usual. Some children were playing games on the bank and there were some people
rowing on the river.
The 景点名称 is a 景点类型 that 景点方位.I like个人对景点的喜好on fine afternoons.It was warm
last Sunday, so I went and 在景点做的事情 as usual.
Some children were 有些人做的活动 and there were some people 另外一些人做的活动.
仿写练习: 景点名称: 朝阳公园(Chao Yang Park)
景点类型: 公园 (public garden)
景点方位: 我家附近公交站旁边
(lies next to the bus stop near my home)
个人对景点喜好: 溜达(taking a stroll)
有些人做的活动: 放风筝 (flying kites)
另外一些人做的活动: 打羽毛球
(playing badminton)
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