中国可谓是学习英语热情最高的国家,每个学生至少要学习六年英语(从初一开始至高中毕业),而现在很多学生甚至从幼儿园就开始学习英语。这种兢兢业业、踏实上进的态度使得几乎每个中国人都能说上几句英语。现在的80、90后都会说“How are you? ”“I am fine, and you? ”父辈们则会喊:“Long live Chairman Mao! ”除此之外呢?为什么我们学了这么多年英语,还是开不了口,动不了笔呢?
改为:The Analects of Confucius can serve a guide in our life.
This disaster warns us that we should protect the environment.
改为:This disaster serves as a warning to us that we should protect the environment.
The Wall Street suffered terribly after the outbreak of financial crisis.
The White House said the release of what it called “stolen cables” to several publications was a “reckless and dangerous action”.
This book is a careful study of the power struggle between the warring states.
The prospect of the collapse of the bipolar international system encouraged the nations all over to work together for a better world of peace and prosperity.
所谓“师傅领进门,修行靠自身”,新概念是学生了解地道英语的钥匙,有了这把钥匙,阻碍英语学习的大门就会打开,以后的学习之路虽不会畅通无阻,但至少也能免去不少阻力。最后,还是想说英语很重要,你会说吗?English is important? 还是 English is of great importance?