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发表于 2016-7-11 22:43:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  凡是批改学生英语作文的老师都有一种感觉, 学生的用词相当贫乏,词语重复现象非常严重。例如在布置学生写一篇My View on Retirement,某同学会这样写:
  Retirement often brings people many problems such as “ What shall I do today” problem, though they may not have economical problems. People observe that apart from economical problems, retirement also brings many psychological problems. Many people often get illnesses and even deteriorate rapidly when people are retired.
  其次,汉语的重复倾向还和其语音文字的特点有密切关系。从美学心理的角度出发,为了读起来顺口,听起来悦耳,文章往往追求音节整齐和均匀,这样就出现某些词的重复。如“脸发红,心发慌”要比“脸发红,心慌得很”顺畅和谐。在汉语口语中我们还会说“谢谢,谢谢”,“对不起,对不起”。而英语的美学观就有所不同。一般不大有人会说“sorry, sorry” 或“thank you, thank you”。
  因此在英语写作中“Never use the same word or write the same thing twice in a sentence unless you are repeating intentionally for emphasis or for clarity.”(J.Hodges and M.Whitten: Harbrace College handbook,p244). 用词单一会使语言枯燥无味、苍白无力;而选词多样化可以加强语言的表现力,使文章的表达更丰富。比如刚刚的段落一经改动后味道就完全不同了:
  Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the “What shall I do today?” question, even though there may be no economical cares. It has been observed that withdrawal from work, quite aside from exerting financial pressures, brings enormous psychological troubles. Large numbers of people tend to get some illnesses and even deteriorate rapidly when jobless.
  在这段文字中,“退休”分别用了Retirement,withdrawal from work和jobless来表达;“问题”分别用了problem,question,care,pressure和trouble来表达;而“许多”,一处用了many,另一处用了enormous,还有一处用了large number of,“经济”的意思和care搭配时用economical,和pressure搭配时用financial;“经常分别用often和tend to表达;“人们”只用了一次people,其余的三处分别用了there be 结构:there may be no economical cares,一个用了被动结构it has been observed that,一个用了省略结构:when jobless。
        (1) Hard work isn’t the whole story either. Some of these high-achieving students actually put in fewer hours than their lower-scoring classmates. The students at the top of the class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can easily learn. Here, according to education experts and students themselves, are the secrets of A students. ——Edwin Kiester Secrets of Students
  这一段中,讲到“好学生”,作者分别用了high-achieving students,students at the top of the class,A students来表示,而没有单单用good students这个短语。其实我们还可以用outstanding boys and girls 或者students of high abilities, superior students 等短语替代。
        (2) The deafening noise, and the glare of the engine fire, would have a bad effect on nerves. Further, being moved through the air at a high speed would do great injury to delicate lungs. The sudden plunging of a train into the darkness of a tunnel, and the equally sudden rush into full daylight, would cause great damage to eyesight.
  这段文字中,讲到“对……有损害”,作者用了三个不同的词组,使读者耳目一新:have a bad effect on,do great injury to和cause great damage。而当表达“猛地冲”这个概念,作者也注意了词的变化,分别用plunge和rush表达。
        (3) A typical example of this ability is the case of a woman who claims that her intuition prevented each of her five children from serious accidents. Another interesting illustration of this six sense involves the famous escape artist.
  作者在这段文字中,用同义词example, illustration 和case表示“例子”;而“直觉”用了intuition, six sense 以及this ability来代替。
  通过欣赏上述的例子我们不难发现,所谓“Variety breeds vividness”可谓言之有理。在同一语境中发掘几个意思相同的表达方式交替运用,既可以使索然寡味的语言活泼多姿,也能利用这些表达的同中之异,互相补充,使内容表达地更加周密。我们可以通过三种方法挑选意思相同的表达:同义词、上义词和统称词。下面我们来一一讲解。
  1. 同(近)义词
  例:a) 家庭成员不仅在思想上互帮互助,在生活上也要互帮互助。
  Members of the family give each other moral support and practical help.
  b) 有时候,科学家在观点上的不同和科学研究并没多大关系,而是反映了他们个人或社会价值的不同。
  Sometimes, differences of opinion among scientists have nothing to do with scientific facts but rather reflect conflicting personal or social values.
  2. 上义词
  利用词的上义和下义的关系:rose 和 flower, bed和furniture, apple 和fruit虽然意思不同,但它们是上义和下义的关系。
  例: a) 电话铃响了,他伸手去摸电话。
  The telephone rang and he reached for the instrument.
  b) 人们常把闯红灯看成小错,不当一回事。然而闯红灯一旦形成习惯,问题远非是违反交通规则。
  Red-light running has always been regarded as a minor wrongdoing, so it has never been taken seriously. When the violation becomes habitual, however, a great deal more than a traffic problem is involved.
  统称词就是那些指代范围更大,意思更含糊的词如thing task等。
  a) 如果参军入伍是有头脑的年轻人,他就不会习惯队伍里的一切。因为队伍里总是抹杀人的个性。
  如果把出现的三个“队伍”分别译成join the army, dislike the army, the army,就重复过多,请看下面译文:
  The bright young man who is drafted hates the whole business because an army tries to eliminate the individual differences in men.
  这里的is drafted是join the army 的同一词组,因此属于上文的第一种方法:同义词替代。而统称词business和army虽然风马牛不相及,但放到上下文里,就很清楚指army.   
  Why do food prices keep on rising when there seems to be much more food? Is the abundance only temporary or has it come to stay?

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