而让大家感到有点意外的是翻译部分。 翻译部分总体难度低于前几次考试,没有考察语法中比较难以掌握的虚拟语气和倒装句型,而是考查大家比较耳熟能详的固定搭配以及从句,说明考试的倾向性已经更加偏重于英语的英语以及融会贯通。现将题目简单评述如下:
82 With the oil price ever rising, she tried to talk _________(说服他不买车) him into not buying a car
此题考查短语talk sb out of sth 说服某人不要做某事。
如果不熟悉这个句型,考生可能判断为:talk to persuade sb from doing sth或talk to sb not to do sth等,这与本文原意相比略显牵强。
参考答案为:him out of buying a car
83 ------(保持幽默感有助于)reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today's competitive society.
保持:keep、remain、 stay 、maintain、hold、have等均可
保持幽默感:Have a good sense of humor、Be humorous、Keep a sense of humor
有助于:help to do、contribute to或相应的形容词形式
参考答案为:keeping a sense of humor
84 When confronted with the evidence, _________(他不得不坦白自己的罪行)
不得不: have to、cannot but、have no choice or option but to、can't avoid等
坦白:confess 也有同学想到 be honest
参考答案为:he had to confess his crime
85 When people say,"I can feel my ears burning", it means they think__________(一定有人在说他们的坏话)
有:there be
说坏话:speak ill of sb 甚至有同学可能想到 say bad things about sb或 say a bad word about sb均可
参考答案:(that)there must be someone speaking ill of them.
86 She has described to go on a diet, but finds ____(很难抵制冰激淋的诱惑)
Find是谓语动词后接宾语(可以是名词或不定式),再接宾语补足语 "难",通常情况下用it做形式宾语而将真实宾语挡在宾语补足语之后。句型为:find it +adj+ to do sth
难:difficult或hard或no picnic
抵制:resist refuse reject
冰激凌:ice cream 注意单数可数名词前面不可以加the
参考答案:it difficult to resist the temptation of the ice cream. |