November 15
Only the skeleton of the city"s cathedral was left standing after the
1940: Germans bomb Coventry to destruction
England have
The German Luftwaffe has bombed Coventry in a massive raid which lasted
more than 10 hours and left much of the city devastated.
Relays of enemy aircraft dropped bombs indiscriminately. One of the many
buildings hit included the 14th century cathedral, which was all but
Initial reports suggest the number of casualties is about 1,000. Intensive
anti-aircraft fire kept the raiders at a great height from which accurate
bombing was impossible.
Reports say 4,330 homes were destroyed and three-quarters of the city"s
factories damaged.
Other targets included two hospitals, two churches, hotels, clubs, cinemas,
public-shelters, public swimming baths, a police station and a post office.
According to one report, some 500 enemy aircraft took part in the raid.
Wave upon wave of bombers scattered their lethal payloads over the city. The
night sky, already lit by a brilliant moon, was further illuminated by flares
and incendiary bombs.
The German High Command has issued a communiqu?describing the attack on
Coventry as a reprisal for the British attack on Munich - the birthplace of the
Nazi party.
The message continued: "Particularly heavy was the attack on Coventry,
where numerous engine works and aero accessory factories as well as other
targets of military importance were attacked with bombs of heaviest calibre,
causing extensive damage."
The German Official News Agency described the raid on Coventry as "the most
severe in the whole history of the war".
The bombing began at 1920 and did not cease until dawn. The all-clear was
finally sounded at 0615 GMT.
The city"s tram system was destroyed. Nearly all gas and water pipes were
smashed and people have been advised to boil emergency supplies of water.
The cathedral Provost, the Very Reverend Dick Howard and a party of helpers
attempted to deal with 12 incendiary bombs by smothering them with sand. But
another shower of incendiaries accompanied by high explosives forced them to
give up their efforts.
Mr Howard said: "The cathedral will rise again, will be rebuilt, and it
will be as great a pride to future generations as it has been to generations of
the past."
Troops have been drafted in to help clear up the streets. Rescuers have
also been working to free those who lay buried in the rubble, often in the
remains of their own homes.
Home Secretary Herbert Morrison was on the scene within hours of the
all-clear. He met the mayor and other local officials and afterwards paid
tribute to the work of the National Service units of the city, who had "stood up
to their duty magnificently".
The baby was born at St Mary"s Hospital in west London
1977: Princess Anne gives birth to Master Phillips
Artificially 1969:
The Princess Anne has given birth to a boy - the first royal baby to be
born a commoner for more than 500 years.
Both baby and mother are said to be in good health.
Princess Anne was driven to St Mary"s Hospital in Paddington, west London
at 0400 on Tuesday by her husband, Captain Mark Phillips.
He was with the princess when their son was born less than six hours later
at 1046 in the hospital"s maternity unit.
The royal gynaecologist, George Pinker, was also at the birth.
But fortunately for the princess the tradition requiring a government
minister to witness royal births was ended before the birth of Prince
The name of the child, who weighed 71b 9oz, has not yet been announced.
Shortly afterwards the princess telephoned her mother with the news and
Captain Phillips rang his parents in Great Somerford in Wiltshire where the
church bells were rung in celebration.
Official announcements of the birth were posted on the railings of
Buckingham Palace and the Home Office in Whitehall.
A 41-gun salute was fired at the Tower of London to welcome the baby, who
is fifth in line to the throne.
He was born plain Master Phillips because, in spite of being the Queen"s
daughter, Princess Anne possesses no hereditary title.
Both the princess and her husband are said to have rejected an offer from
the Queen of titles which would have enabled their children to be born into the
The Queen was among the first to visit her daughter and new grandson in a
private wing of the hospital.
She smiled broadly and waved to a crowd of about 200 people as she
Speaking to reporters as he left after visiting his wife and new son,
Captain Phillips said he was "relieved it"s all over and very pleased".
On being asked what his son was like Captain Phillips replied: "About the
same as any other baby I should think".
reprisal : a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime(报复) |