Lion dance is a folk performing art performed by oneor two persons in lion
costumes. According torecords, the dance, with a long history of more than2,000
years, was introduced to the royal family as aform of entertainment during Tang
Dynasty. Skill isgiven top priority in performing the lion dance and performers
are required to imitate variousexpressions and movements of lions in an
exaggerated way. After thousands years ofdevelopment, diverse performing
characteristics in different regions have been formed. In thetraditional Chinese
custom the lion is regarded as a mascot that wards off misfortunes andbrings
good luck. Therefore, during festivals and grand ceremonies, people would
perform liondance to create a happy and exciting atmosphere.
1.第一句较长,可先提炼其“舞狮是一种民间表演艺术”,译为Lion dance is a folk performing
2.第二句可将“舞狮在唐朝时被引入皇室,成为皇室的娱乐项目”处理为主句。“有两千多年的悠久历史”可译为with a longhistory
3.第三句“舞狮最注重的是…”包含两短句,使用and连接的并列结构;翻译时可采用被动语态,即skill is giventop priority
in...and performers are required to...。
4.倒数第二句中“狮子是一种…”,隐含狮子在人们心中的形象,译为is regarded as...比译成is,表达更加地道。