发表于 2016-7-11 20:06:49
“They cheat to steal our jobs,” said Mike Rogers, a Republican representative from Michigan, as debate opened in the House ahead of the vote later on Wednesday. “We can no longer stand by and let the Chinese government manipulate its currency.” Don Manzullo, also a Republican, from Illinois, said: “We want to stop Chinese imports coming in at predatory prices.”
“他们用作弊手段偷走了我们的就业,”来自密西根州的共和党众议员麦克?罗杰斯(Mike Rogers)周三在辩论开始时表示(当日稍后将举行投票表决)。“我们再也不能无动于衷,任由中国政府操纵人民币汇率。”来自伊利诺伊州的共和党众议员唐?曼祖罗(Don Manzullo)表示:“我们要阻止中国商品以掠夺性的价格流入美国。”
The Obama administration, which has not taken a position on the legislation, has preferred to pursue a policy of engagement with China in an effort to persuade it to allow the renminbi to strengthen, and could see its negotiating position enhanced by mounting congressional pressure.
But critics have warned that the more aggressive measures in the legislation may not be effective in reducing the US’s trade deficit with China and a more confrontational stance may be counterproductive, since it could lead to retaliation.