My cup of tea refers to the sort of thing that pleases or appeals to me.
The metaphor is nearly always used negatively. The expression came into use
between the First and Second World Wars. In the Victorian age the consumption of
tea by all classes had not yet, especially among men, become common. A more
likely metaphor then, derived from food or drink for something not to one"s
taste, would have been, say, "not my pot of beer", or among the well-to-do
classes "not my glass of wine". Later the increasing employment of women in
offices led to the introduction there of afternoon tea, in which gradually the
male members of a staff would join. Later, tea would come to be regarded as a
universal social drink. Individual taste, however, often varied: for China or
India tea; weak or strong; with or without milk; with or without sugar; with
lemon. This variation would naturally lend itself to the expression "That is not
my cup of tea", and then by extension in general reference to other things that
did not suit one"s taste: e.g. an entertainment at a theatre, a book, etc., with
the meaning "Whatever others may like, that is not the sort of thing to appeal
to me".
My cup of tea
my pot of beer"(不是我想喝的那罐啤酒),或富人阶层可能说"not my glass of wine"(不是我喜欢喝的那杯葡萄酒)。后来,
not my cup of
tea"这一表达法,延伸开来就泛指其他不合口味的事还必须:比如说剧院一出戏的演出,或一本书等等:其意义就是“不管别人可能会多喜欢,那不是吸引我的东西”。 |