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发表于 2016-7-11 18:38:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
bring, great等。下面我们来区分一下下列句子中哪些是事实,哪些是观点:
1. Portsmouth is the best place for a navy base.
2. Water boils at 100℃.
3. The school cafeteria has great food.
4. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
5. Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833.
6. The first public protests against the low status of women were made in the 1830's.
7. Television commercials are boring.
1. What is the author's opinion of ______?
2. The author is of the opinion that _____?
3. The author of this passage seems to believe that _____?
4. What does the author believe about _____?
5. How does the author think of _____?
6. The author believes that _____?
1. 首先通读全文,理解主题思想,推断出作者的观点。
2. 注意作者意图的隐含表达,如委婉表达和反义表达。
3. 要区分出哪些是作者引用的他人的观点,哪些是作者自己的观点。
4. 特别注意作者在yet, however, but等词后面表达的内容。
Some people believe that international sport creates good-will between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to live together. Others say that the opposite is true: that international
contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some true in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the vies that sports
encourages international brotherhood. Not only was there the tragic incident involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by lesser incidents caused principally by minor national contests.
        According to the author, the international sports _______.
A. creates goodwill between the nations
B. bred only false pride
C. barely showed any international friendship
D. led to more and more misunderstanding and hatred
        解决这题时,我们可以综合运用上面提到的方法,第一句和第二句都是观点,但都是作者引用他人的观点,第三句话中出现了一个but, 后面的内容常常是作者要表达的重点,在这儿也正是作者的观点。最后一句作进一步说明。所以答案是C.
This is not just a sad-but-true story; the boy's experience is horrible
and damaging, yet a sense of love shines through every word.
How does the author of this sentence feel about the story?
A. It transmits a sense of love.
B. It is just sad.
C. It is not true.
D. It is horrible and damaging.
true, 作者显然是想强调true, yet后面a sense of love正是作者的观点。所以答案
Because everyone can be comfortable in them, the blue-jeans invented for the use of workers are now accepted almost anywhere, anytime. This is true not only in the United States, but in many other countries in the world.
I strongly agree with the following statement:" Old or new, glorified or plain, jeans are likely to be around for a long time to come. Already they have succeeded where statesmanship has failed. Although unable to speak
the same language, the inhabitants of this embattled planet have at least agreed to wear the same pants."
The author is of the opinion that ______.
A. jeans are likely to be a short-lived fashion
B. jeans are popular only in the United states
C. jeans are likely to be popular for a long time to come
D. jeans are no longer fashionable
        我们还可以从另一个角度考虑,这也是一个很好的技巧.我们可以先假设某个选项室答案,如B,那我们又该如何组织文章呢?文章的重点肯定会放在蜜蜂的组织结构上,而不会象现在这样讨论很多集群生活的问题,所以选项B 不对.再看一篇
In modern society, it is often difficult to people to meet one another. Men and women of similar interests or needs may be separated from one another by their jobs or by great distances. As a result, they must
advertise. Open any newspaper, and you will find personal ads of all sorts. Lonely men and women advertise for husbands, wives, lovers, traveling companions, and partners both in business and in personal relationships. There are also ads for services that provide computer-chosen dates or escorts. Are you looking for someone new in your life? Try looking in the personal ads section of your newspaper. It is filled with opportunity.
        Choose the best title for the above passage.
A. Difficulty for people to meet
B. Functions of newspaper
C. People and Ads
D. Meeting people through the newspaper
        这篇文章我们千万要注意,第一句话只是一个引导句,而不是主题句.不要想当然的总是将第一句话当作主题句(尽管大部分情况是这样).那么,文章的主题又是什么呢?这里要我们自己归纳出租题:The newspaper solves difficulty of people's meeting in modern society. 根据这个主题,我们就不难选出答案D是正确答案了.最后还要注意一点: 有时标题和主题是完全混用的,但是有时却不尽然,标题更带有作者对这一问题的倾向,而主题更多的是对题材的客观概述.
Both the Sun and the Moon appear larger when they are rising or setting, although there is no real difference in the distance they are from the Earth. This perceptual phenomenon, known as the "Moon illusion," has been
studied over the years. Various explanations, including the muscle strain for the person looking up and the comparison of the Moon with other things on the horizon that make it appear larger, have been disputed by scientists, but thus far there is no widely accepted explanation of the phenomenon.
        Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?
A. Perceived Sizes of the Sun and Moon
B. Comparisons of Objects on the Horizon
C. Perceptions of Distance
D. The rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon

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