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发表于 2016-7-9 22:41:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A: I find Paul difficult to understand.
          B: That is because he does not articulate his words very clearly.
          articulate a. 1. 善于表达的,发音清晰的;2. 表达得清楚有力的
          vt. 1. 明确有力地表达;2. 清晰地吐(字),清晰地发(音)
          A: The army has amassed a huge amount of artillery.
          B: Let’s hope they don’t have to use it.
          artillery n. 1. 火炮,大炮;2. 炮兵(部队)
          A: Do you think that we ascend into heaven when we die?
          B: I am not sure. I am still undecided.
          ascend vi. 渐渐上升,升高
          vt. 攀登,登上
          A: I couldn’t ascertain whether he was joking or serious.
          B: Don’t worry, he has a strange sense of humor.
          ascertain vt. 查明,弄清,确定
          A: Your father ascribed beauty and intelligence to you.
          B: Thanks for the compliment.
          ascribe vt. 1. (to)把...归因于;2. 把...归属于
          A: The man’s body came ashore five days after he went missing from the
          B: Oh, how terrible, that must have been the one that was found on the
beach yesterday.
          ashore ad. 在岸上,上岸
          A: It is my aspiration to become a doctor.
          B: Well, if you stick to your goals I am sure you can do it.
          aspiration n. 强烈的愿望,志向,抱负
          A: I do not think I have achieved enough yet.
          B: Well, if you always aspire to do your best then you will not be
          aspire vi. 渴望,追求,有志于
          A: Is that a donkey or an ass ?
          B: Neither, it is a small horse.
          ass n. 1. 笨蛋,傻瓜; 2. 驴
          A: Did you hear that there was an attempted assassination on the
          B: Yes, but it was not true, somebody was spreading rumours.
          assassination n. 刺杀,暗杀
          A: We were warned about the risk of assault in the city.
          B: Good, it is always better to be aware of the dangers.
          assault vt. (武力或口头上的)攻击,袭击
          A: He asserted his points strongly during the debate.
          B: Why didn’t he win it then?
          assert vt. 1. 肯定地说,断言2. 维护,坚持
          A: I think that guy is too rude.
          B: Really, I think he is just trying to assert himself .
          assert oneself 坚持自己的权利,显示自己的权威
          A: I think that the new student has assimilated well into his new
          B: Perhaps, but he does not seem to have many friends.
          assimilate vt. 1. 吸收,消化;2. 使同化
          vi. 1. 被吸收,被消化;2. 被同化
          A: I gave Linda an assorted box of sweets for her birthday.
          B: Did you not know that chocolates were her favourite?
          assorted a. 各种各样的,混杂的,什锦的
          A: I received assurances that I would get help.
          B: And did they come through?
          assurance n. 1. 把握,信心;2. 保证,表示保证(或鼓励、安慰)的话;3. (人寿)保险

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