5. Explain honestly the reason for your actions. Sometimes it's tempting to re-characterize your actual feelings and motives. Usually, though, that just complicates things more. It becomes impossible to have an honest exchange.
6. Admit your mistakes. This is extremely effective and disarming. When I got my first job, my father told me, "If you take the blame, you'll get the responsibility." I've found that to be very true. Difficult, but true. Admitting mistakes is the first step, then…
承认自己的错误。 这是极为有效、消解的方法。当我获得第一份工作时,我的父亲曾告诉我:“如果你承担了责备,你将会获得责任” 我发现这一点很正确。难但是却正确。承认错误是第一步,接下来...
实习编辑:褚萍湘 |