发表于 2016-7-11 18:49:26
飞行药检 spot check
疯牛病 mad cow disease; bovine spongiform enceohalopathy (BSE)
费改税 transform administrative fees into taxes
粉领族 "pink-collar tribe (Women who play major role in certain professions such as office workers, secretaries, models, airline hostesses, etc)"
放行单 release permit
放下架子 to relinguish haughty airs; to get off one's high horse; throw off one's airs
放高球 lob
锋利扣杀 razor-sharp smash
分流 reposition of redundant personnel
分税制 system of tax distribution
分业经营 divided operation
分期付款 installment payment
扶贫 poverty alleviation
扶贫办公室 Poverty Relief Office
分拆上市 A subsidiary company of a corporation is listed on the stock market.
发烧友 fancier; zealot; enthusiastic fan
发展是硬道理 Development is of overriding importance.
Development is the absolute need.
发展不平衡 disparate development
发案率 incidence (of criminal cases)
法律硕士 juris master (jm)
法人股 corporate shares
法治国家 a country under the rule of law
法制国家 a state with an adequate legal system
翻两番 quadruple