91. Well begun is half done.良好的开端等于成功的一半。
92. The most tragic blow for one is the death of his mind.哀莫大于心死。
93. He who does not have a strong will can never achieve high intelligence.志不强者智不达。
94. Education should be for all,irrespective of their social status,有教无类。
95. A friend in need is a friend in deed.患难见真交。
96. We would rather be short of books than believe all that they say。尽信书则不如无书。
97. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。Long as the way is I will keep on searching above and below.
98. 读书百遍,其义自见。When a book is read a hundred times,its meanings will naturally become clear.
99. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神。He owns a gifted pen,who reads tremendously.
100. 君子欲讷于言而敏于行。A gentleman would rather be quick in action than talk a lot.
101. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。Do not do evil things though they may be insignificant.Do not given up good things though they may be minor matters.
102. 燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉! How can a sparrow know the will of a swan?
103. 三人行必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。Among three people I meet on the way,there will be at least ont from whom I can learn something.I may follow his goodness or correct my own mistakes by learning from him.
104. 言必信,行必果。One must stand by one's words and must not stop one's action until success is achieved.
105. 己所不欲,勿施于人。Never do to others what you would not like them to do to you.