Passenger information (domestic service)
No-show A no-show means a passenger fails to board the aircraft either because he or she has not
completed the check-in procedure at the designated time limit, or because the passenger could not
travel due to his or her improper travel documents. The passenger could change to a later flight or
change carrier or refund ticket in accordance with the carrier’s regulations.
误机 误机系指旅客未按规定时间办妥乘机手续或因其旅行证件不符合规定而未能乘机。旅客误机后,须按承运人有关规定,办理改乘后续航班,改变承运人或退票。
Carry-on baggage Passenger holding first-class tickets may carry 2 separate articles, passenger
holding business or economy class ticket may carry 1 article only. The volume of either 1 or 2
articles should not be more than 20×40×55cm and with a total weight not exceeding 5kg. Carry-on
baggage in excess of the above limits should be checked in for transportation in accordance with
the carrier’s regulations.
随身携带物品 持头等舱客票的旅客,每人可随身携带两件物品;持公务舱或经济舱客票的旅客,每人职能随身携带一件物品。每件物品的体积不得超过20ⅹ40ⅹ50厘米,上述两项总重量不得超过5公斤。超过规定件数、重量或体积的限制,要按规定作为托运行李托运。
Free baggage allowance Passengers holding adult-fare tickets are entitled to the free baggage
allowance of 40kg for first-class, 30kg for business class, and 20kg for economy class. No free
baggage allowance is granted to infants. Checked baggage such as precision instruments, electrical
equipments cannot be included in free baggage allowance.
免费行李额 持成人票或儿童票的旅客,每人免费托运行李的限额为:头等舱40公斤,公务舱30公斤,经济舱20公斤。持婴儿票的旅客无免费行李额。
Article which cannot be shipped as baggage Passengers are not allowed to carry in their checked
or carry-on baggage dangerous articles, such as inflammable, explosive, corrosive, poisonous,
radioactive, polymerizable and magnetized materials. Passengers are not allowed to carry with
them arms, sharp or lethal weapons when taking flights.
不准作为行李运输的物品 旅客不得在托运行李或随身携带物品内夹带易燃、爆炸、腐蚀、有毒、放射性物品,可聚合物质,磁性物质及其它危险品。旅客乘坐飞机不得随身携带武器、管制刀具、利器和凶器。
Articles which cannot be packed in the checked baggage Passengers are not allowed to pack in
the checked baggage confidential documents, classified materials, diplomatic mail bags, negotiable
securities, currencies, money orders, valuables, vulnerable and perishable articles and other
articles needed in special custody. The carrier will only be liable for the loss of or damage of
ordinary checked baggage.
不准在托运行李内夹带的物品 旅客不得在托运行李内夹带机密文件、资料、外交信贷、有价值证券、货币、汇票、贵重物品、易碎易腐物品、以及其他需要专人保管的物品。承运人对托运行李内夹带上述物品的遗失或损坏,按一般托运行李承担赔偿责任。
Baggage packing The checked baggage should be packed correctly, well locked and tied up and be
able to withstand reasonable handing. The carrier may refuse to accept baggage incorrectly packed
not conforming to transportation requirements.
行李包装 托运行李必须包装完善、锁扣完好、捆扎牢固、并能承受一定压力。对包装不符合要求的行李,承运人可拒运或不负损坏责任。
Baggage compensation The carrier will be liable for the loss of or damage of the checked
baggage. The norm of compensation shall not exceed RMB 50 yuan per kg according to the
actual weight recorded at the check-in.
行李赔偿 托运行李如发生损坏或丢失,由承运人负责赔偿。赔偿限额每公斤不得超过人民币50元。按实际托运重量计算。
Baggage declared value A passenger may declare the value of his or her baggage if the value
exceed 50 yuan per kg. The carrier will collect a declare value surcharge. Baggage declared value
can not exceed the value of the contents. The maximum baggage declared value is 8000 yuan.
When such baggage is lost or damaged, compensation will be made according to its declare value.
行李声明价值 托运行李每公斤价值超过人民币50元时,可以办理行李声明价值。承运人收取声明价值附加值。每一旅客的行李声明价值最高额为人民币8,000元。如此项行李发生损坏或丢失,承运人按声明价值赔偿。
Security inspection Passengers and their baggage (including checked and carry-in baggage) must
be subject to the security inspection before boarding.
安全检查 在乘机前,旅客及其行李(含托运行李和随身携带物品)必须经过安全检查。
Flight irregularity services When the flight is delayed or cancelled due to the fault as of the
carrier, meals and hotel accommodation for the passengers will be provided free of charge by the
carrier as appropriate. If the delay or cancellation occurs at departure due to the weather condition,
unexpected event, Air Traffic Control, safety inspection or passengers’ fault etc., which are beyond
the control of the carrier, meals and hotel accommodation will be arranged by the carrier at the
passengers’ own cost.
航班不正常服务 由于机务维护、航班调配、商务、机组等承运人原因,造成航班在始发地延误或取消,承运人应当向旅客提供餐食或住宿等服务;由于天气、突发事件、空中交通管制、安检和旅客等非承运人原因,造成航班在始发地延误或取消,承运人应协助旅客安排餐食或住宿,费用由旅客自理。
Compensation for injury or death The maximum norm of compensation made by the carrier for
each passenger in case of accidental death or bodily injury shall be defined in accordance with the
related regulations proclaimed by the State Council.
伤害赔偿 承运人对每名旅客身体伤害的最高赔偿限额,按照国务院的有关规定办理。
Passenger’s voluntary insurance Passengers can purchase insurance at their option with an
insurance company for accidental death or any unexpected bodily injury for passenger domestic air
transportation. The compensation from such insurance does not discharge or reduce the liability
undertaken by the carrier.
旅客保险 旅客可以自愿向保险公司投保国内航空运输旅客人身意外伤害险。此项保险金额的给付,不免除或减少承运人应当承担的赔偿限额。