Passage 69
If the pressures of selection at 16 were removed, secondary education could become a different process altogether.// And children under a less compulsory system would actually learn more and the be more cooperative with parents and school.// They would be happier and more creative, and therefore more useful to the society.// I’m sure you will agree with today’s motion that the system existing today is harmful to our children and therefore must be changed.//
Passage 70
It is becoming more and more obvious that advertising affects all of us throughout our lives.// Adolescents, especially female adolescents, are particularly vulnerable.// It is so because they are new and inexperienced and are the prime targets of many advertisements.// On the other hand, advertisers are fully aware of their role and do not hesitate to take advantage of them in the guise of offering solutions.//
Passage 71
No politician or educator is more pervasive and persuasive than advertising.// One consequence of advertising is that it conveys the message that the value of a person is dependent upon the value of the products used.// It makes us feel that happiness can be bought and that products can fulfill us and meet our deepest human needs.// Ironically, the heavily advertised products, such as cosmetics and weight-reduction drinks, are even detrimental to physical attractiveness.//
Passage 72
Adolescent females are discouraged from growing up and becoming adult.// Growing older is the greatest taboo in this commercialized society.// Although boys are encouraged to become mature adults, girls are encouraged to remain passive and dependent, never to mature. // Somehow placed in a double bind, girls are supposed to be both sexy and virginal, experienced and na?ve, seductive and pure.//
实习编辑:褚萍湘 |