2012翻译资格考试辅导:China Daily常用词汇集锦(38)
果子狸 civet cat
过渡期 transitional period
国家发展计划委员会 the State Development Planning Commission
国家计划和财政政策、货币政策等相互配合的宏观调控体系 the macro-economic regulation system by integrating State planning with fiscal and monetary policies
国家审判权 the judicial authority of the State
《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》 Master State Plan for Rapid Response to Public Emergencies
国际部队 international forces
国际多边金融机构 international multilateral financial institution
国际关系民主化 practice democracy in international relations
国际禁毒日 International Day against Drug Abuse (People around the world hold rally marking the International Day against Drug Abuse.)
国际社会 international community
国民素质 the populace’s cultivation
国情 national conditions
过期食品 expired food, out-of-date food (The Japanese, who always pay attention to food safety, have lowered their requirements amid the economic woes, the United Morning Post reported. A survey shows that 83% Japanese think it’s ok to buy out-of-date food as long as they don’t make people fall ill. 据新加坡《联合早报》报道,向来重视食品安全的日本人,随着经济不景气而口味大降。一项民调显示,83%的日本人认为,只要吃不坏肚子,就无所谓购买过期食品。)
国务委员 state councilor
国务院令 Decree of the State Council
国务院通知 Circular of the State Council
国有商业银行 State-owned commercial bank
国债余额管理方式 the method of outstanding balance management for its national debt
股票市场散户 individual stock investor
股权分置 to float the
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