第一部分 核心语汇
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 工作
The repair job will cost $300.
n. 职业
I got a job with Siemens.
n. 工作,任务
You’ve done a good job.
n 责任,职责
It’s not my job to do this !
jobless (失业中的);
part-time job (兼职);
full-time job (全职);
job site (施工的地方);
job-creation (就业机会)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
劳务市场 --- job market
面试 --- job interview
工作 --- job offer
长期工作 --- permanent job
零活 --- odd jobs
美差 --- a fat job
麻烦的工作 --- a troublesome job
棘手的工作 --- a tough job
费力不讨好的工作 --- a thankless job
指挥工作 --- to boss the job
辞职 --- to quit one’s job
失业 --- to lose one’s job/ be out of a job
好好干 --- to do a good job
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
jobs for the boys --- 为亲信安排的工作
make a bad /good job of sth --- 把某事做坏/好
do the job --- 起作用,奏效
生活用语 Street Talks
A: I’m going to call the employment agency for a job.
B: What kind of job do you prefer?
A: An office job. As long as it’s highly-paid. (报酬优厚的工作)
B: But a desk job doesn’t usually pay that much. (文书工作)
A: Did you hear they fired Sam?
B: Yeah, he was caught drinking on the job. (drinking while working)
A: He deserved it. Sometimes he was sleeping on the job.
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 And I did a hell of a job. 《情归巴黎》
That decorator on the Bennett job. 《西雅图夜未眠》
She’s on her sixth painter and we’re never going to finish this job. 《西雅图夜未眠》
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 生
It’s a matter of life and death.
n. 生命
Many lives were lost in the accident.
n. 生物
Is there life on Mars? (火星上有生物吗?)
n. 人生;生活
“Enjoy life” is my view of life.
n. 过日子
We lead a happy life.
n. 活力;生气
The young people were full of life.
lifeless (无生命的)
life expectancy (预期寿命);
life jacket (救生衣);
lifetime (一生);
lifelong (终生的);
lifesaver (救星);
lifeboat (救生艇);
lifeguard (救生员);
lifestyle (生活方式);
life-span (寿命,生命的期限);
life-and-death (生死攸关的,关系重大的);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
人寿保险 --- life insurance
生命周期 --- life cycle
特别高兴时刻 --- the time of one’s life
一辈子 --- all one’s life
恢复生气 --- to come to life
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
life and death --- 生死攸关
the life of the party --- 中心人物
life for life --- 以命偿命
bet one’s life on sth. --- 拿生命打赌
take one’s life in one’s hand --- 冒生命危险
frighten the life out of sb --- 惊吓某人
生活用语 Street Talks
Victoria’s my life saver. Without her I don’t know what to do with my visa.
This is a poem about frontier life in the United States. (边境生活)
Get a life Jane! You’ve been studying all the time.
Don’t be so serious. Go out or have fun or drink a beer! Just get a life!
A: I was short-changed ten dollars. Do you think I should go back to the store and ask for it?
B: Not on your life. You’ll pay more than that for the taxi. (千万不要)
A: I’ve been working hard, but they don’t give me a promotion.
B: That’s life. Anyway you work for yourself. (生活就是这样)
A: I feel very happy when I’m with you.
B: Me too. Where have you been all my life? (怎么没能早认识你)
句型 It was the happiest moment of my life. 《阿甘正传》
And just that that, she was gone. Out of my life again. 《阿甘正传》
I pay for your life, David. My life makes your life possible.《情归巴黎》
I’ve loved him all my life. 《情归巴黎》
谚语 Proverbs
Life is not all beer and skittles.人生非尽乐事。
Life is subject to ups and downs.人生沉浮。
Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels. 对于善思者,人生是喜剧;对于善感者,人生是悲剧。
名言 Quotations
Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), British comic actor, filmmaker. Quoted in his obituary: Guardian (London, 28 Dec. 1977).
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 男人
Man is stronger than woman.
n. 人类
Man is mortal.
n. 人(包括男女)
Growing old is something a man has to accept.
n. (口语) 伙计
Hey man, how’s it going?
interjection 天啊!
Oh man, it’s unbelievable.
manly (有男子气概的);
manhood (成年);
manmade (人造的)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
文学家 --- man of letters
实业家 --- man of business
行动主义者 --- man of action (not of words)
喜怒无常的人 --- man of moods
沉默寡言的人 --- man of few words
足智多谋的人 --- man of ideas
有审美力的人 --- man of taste
知名人士 --- man of mark (distinction)
牧师,圣徒 --- man of God
法律界人士 --- man of law
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
a man (woman) in a thousand --- 千里挑一的男人(女人)
the man in the street --- 普通老百姓
man of the hour --- (who everyone’s talking about)热门人物
make a man out of sb --- 使某人长大或成人
be man enough to do sth --- 有足够勇气
be one’s own man --- 能独立自主
生活用语 Street Talks
A: What are you doing here? Who’s manning the machine? (保护)
B: Charelie is.
Mr.John is a man of his word. (信守诺言的人)
Ok,ok, you’re Mr. Know it all. You’re the man! (你牛!)
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 Just shrimp all the time, man. 《阿甘正传》
Man, I’ll tell you what. 《阿甘正传》
Hey, you’re a good man for doing this. Do it! 《阿甘正传》
He’s a lovely man, Annie. 《西雅图夜未眠》
谚语 Proverbs
Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 金钱;财富
Money doesn’t always bring happiness.
纸币(美钞) --- a bill
硬币 --- a coin/ hard money
外币 --- foreign currency
假币 --- bogus money/ counterfeit money
moneybags (富翁);
moneylender (放债者);
money-maker (赚大钱的人)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
赚钱 --- to make/earn money
为了钱而结婚 --- to marry into money
乱花钱 --- to throw one’s money away
投资于 --- to put money into sth
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
fun money --- 节省或保存下来的用于个人享受的钱
have money to burn --- 有的是钱
marry money --- 和有钱人结婚
生活用语 Street Talks
Marian saves a small part of her salary as fun money every month.
A: If I have enough money, I’m going to take a trip abroad.
B: But you do earn a lot!
A: Well, I spend half my money on clothes. (把一半钱花在…)
B: Icy, if I were you, I’d lay out my money more carefully.
A: If I buy that car, I’ll have to borrow some money.
B: Where is your money?
A: I ventured my money on the stocks. (拿钱买股票投机)
A: Gosh! We’re in the money! (发财了)
B: Yeah! Thank God! We won a thousand dollars at the races today!
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 Do you know how much money it costs to go to New York? 《西雅图夜未眠》
That’s how we and mama got money. 《阿甘正传》
对话 Joanna: All those years, you made all that money and you never told any of us to do it.
Mr. Fairchild: I’ll tell you now, Joanna, marry me. Marry me for my money. People do it everyday. 《情归巴黎》
谚语 Proverbs
Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨。
Money talks.金钱万能。
名言 Quotations
Christianity is art & not money. Money is its curse.
William Blake (1757-1827), English poet, painter, engraver. Notes on The Laoco?n (engraved c. 1820; repr. in Complete Writings, ed. by Geoffrey Keynes, 1957)
Basic need
Everyday Expressions
n. 口;嘴
Don’t talk with your mouth full.
n. 河口
The town is situated at the mouth of a river.
n. 出口
A rockslide blocked mouth of the cave.
n. 需要供养的人
she’s got five mouths to feed.
噘嘴 --- to pout (one’s mouth)
mouthful (满口)
mouthpiece (口状物;代言人);
mouth to mouth (口对口人工呼吸);
mouth watering (令人垂涎的)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
袋口 --- the mouth of a bag
口服 --- by mouth
口头 --- by word of mouth
闭嘴 --- to shut one’s mouth
使流口水 --- to make one’s mouth water
嘴不稳,话多 --- to have a big mouth
习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
zip one’s mouth --- 守秘
keep one’s mouth shut --- 保守秘密
open one’s mouth wide --- 信口开河
live from hand to mouth --- 勉强糊口
be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth --- 生来就富
shoot one’s mouth off --- 夸张,吹牛
all mouth and no action --- 只说不做
生活用语 Street Talks
A: I have informed Jerry by word of mouth. (口头上的)
B: That’s good.
A: The doctor says that he’s suffering from cancer.
B: Keep your mouth shut. He couldn’t stand it. (嘴严点;要密)
A: Look over there!
B: Oh, your mouth watered for ice cream. (口水直流)
A: What did you say?
B: I said at 6 tonight.
A: Please put the receiver closer to your mouth. I can’t hear you.
电影对白 Transcripts
对话 Jonah: I thought that was for hiccups?
Post-man: For hiccups.
Jonah: Yeah, for hiccups.
Post-man: ...take a spoonful of sugar and hold it in your mouth for a minute. 《西雅 图夜未眠》
谚语 Proverbs
Good medicine is bitter in the mouth.良药苦口。
Wisdom may come out of the mouths of babies.智慧可能出自婴孩之口。
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