贷款利率 lending rate
贷款限额 credit ceilings (Commercial banks’ credit ceilings will be abolished to channel more lending to priority projects, rural areas, smaller enterprises and technical innovation. 商业银行的贷款限额将被取消,以便向优先项目、农村地区、小型企业、技术革新项目等发放更多贷款。)
贷款质量 loan quality
代理书记 Acting Secretary (Acting Secretary of Commerce Robert L. Mallett today announced 18 inaugural appointments to two new public advisory committees at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.)
上/下班打卡 punch in (out)
蛋白质工程 protein engineering
单边主义 unilateralism
弹道导弹 ballistic missile
单刀赴会 start a solo run
单方面撕毁协定 unilaterally tear up an agreement or a treaty
淡季 dead or slack season
单亲 single parent
单身贵族 the single
单亲家庭 single-parent family
淡水恶化 freshwater degradation
单挑;单干 do something by oneself; work on one’s own
单向收费 One-way charge system
单循环制 single round-robin system
单一经济 one sided economy; single product economy
单一种植 single cropping
党代会 congress of party representatives
党风 Party style
党风建设 construction of the Party conduct
挡箭牌 excuse; pretext
当前用户 active user
党群关系 Party-masses relationship
党外人士 non-Party personage; public figure outside the Party
党务公开 Open Management of Party Affairs
党性 Party spirit
党政机关 Party and government organizations
党总支 Party general branch
当作耳旁风 turn a deaf ear to something
党的三代中央领导集体 three generations of central collective leadership of the CPC
单行线 single line
单眼皮 single eyelid
单一票制 flat fare
淡妆 light makeup
盗版VCD pirated VCD
导播 instructor in broadcasting
倒春寒 unusually cold spell in an otherwise warm early spring
盗打 (电话) free call on somebody else’s expense through illegal means
导弹发射场 missile launching site; missile site
导弹护卫舰 (guided) missile destroyer
道德法庭 court of ethics
倒挂销售 sell at a price lower than the purchasing price
倒汇 speculate in foreign currency
倒计时 countdown
捣浆糊(北方方言,和稀泥) give the runaround; run wild; act restlessly
倒买倒卖 profiteering
倒票 speculative reselling of tickets
倒爷 profiteer
盗用公款 embezzlement
道路交通安全法 the law on road traffic safety
到位 in place