《北美自由贸易协定》 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
背投屏幕 rear projection screen
备用资金 reserve fund
北约 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-- established in April 1949--it has 15 member states and a headquarters in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.
背包旅行者 backpacker
被叫通话 incoming call
北京航天指控中心 Beijing Aerospace Control Centre
北欧投资银行 Nordic Investment Bank
被迫退出(比赛) sideline (Recently signed Los Angeles Lakers guard Sun Yue will be sidelined indefinitely as a result of testing positive for mononucleosis. 孙悦刚刚签约洛杉矶湖人队,就因单核细胞增多症测试呈阳性,恐将无缘近期的比赛。)
备用轮胎 spare tire (A cat survived a 2.5-hour trip on a spare tire under her owner’s truck. 一只猫趴在主人卡车的备用轮胎上,车子开了2个半小时后竟安然无恙。)
避税 tax avoidance
避嫌 avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion
毕业设计 graduation design
毕业生分配制度 assignment system for graduates
便当 brown bag
边防证 frontier pass
边际效益 marginal benefit
边境检查 border inspection (International delegations arriving in Shanghai for the upcoming World Expo would be entitled to special passage for swift border inspection as the metropolis gears up for the final run-up to the international event. 在世博会的最后准备阶段,上海将为陆续抵达的外国参展团提供专用通道实行快速边境检查。)
便民服务 service for the convenience of the customers
变相涨价 disguised inflation
便携式电脑 portable computer; laptop; notebook computer
变形金刚 Transformers ("Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" opened to Chinese audiences at 0:00 Wednesday, smashing first-day box office records in many theatres across the capital. 24日零点,《变形金刚2》在中国"卷土重来",上映首日便打破北京多家影院首映当日票房纪录。)
变性人 transgender (Thomas Beatie, a transgender man of Oregon, gets pregnant by artificial insemination. 来自俄勒冈的变性男子托马斯·贝蒂通过人工受精方式怀孕。)
便衣警察 police in plain clothes
边远地区 remote and border areas
边缘科学 borderline (boundary) science; fringe (border) discipline
边远贫困地区 outlying poverty-stricken areas
边缘知识人 Marginal intellectuals
贬值 devalue, devaluate, depreciate (of a currency)
变废为宝 make waste profitable
边际报酬 marginal return
边际薪酬 marginal salaries
便利店 convenience store
便携式电脑 portable computer; laptop; notebook computer
表面文章 lip service; surface formality |