精选口译口试历年词频热点词汇,口试应试必备。 5 外贸
信守合同 to abide by contract
一条龙开发产品 a coordinated development of products
以优势企业为龙头 superior; well-performing enterprises take the head of…
优化配置 to optimize resource allocation
转换经营机制 the transformation of the operational mechanisms
卓有成效 to show impressive results
资产重组 asset reorganization
资源转移 the transfer of the resources
自然增长率 natural growth rate
自营出口企业 the enterprises enjoying the right to independently manage their exports
租赁 lease
报关 customs entry
边境贸易 border trade
补偿贸易 compensation trade
出口定额 export quota
出口退税政策 policy of tax refunds