精选口译口试历年词频热点词汇,口试应试必备。 5 外贸
按标准组织生产 to observe specified standards in production
包干 all-round responsibility
并购劣势企业 to merge or to purchase inferior enterprises
财税 fiscal taxation
产业升级 upgrade industry
畅通渠道 to clear and open the channel
承包 contract
承包制 the contract system
出口退税率 the export tax refund rate
出口信贷 export credits
粗加工能力 the rough processing capacity
大批量 lump-sum appropriation
呆坏帐 bad debts
低档产品 low-grade products
调价 to adjust prices
高回报产品 high value-added products
搞活小企业 to invigorate small products
股份合作制 joints-stock partnership
股权交易方式 equity transaction methods
骨干企业 backbone/key enterprises
国家财政预算 the state budget