2011年中高级口译考试翻译经典词群 22、“精粹” / “精华” / “精髓”
古典文学精髓→quintessence / cream of classical literature
马克思主义精髓→pith and marrow of Marxism
概括文章的精华→sum up the gist of an article
取其精华,去其糟粕→select the essence and discard the gross
他们是这一代人中的精华→They are the cream / pick of this generation.
日月之精华→radiance of the sun and moon
文章必须短小而精粹→The article must be short and succinct.
融汇东西方文化的精粹→blending / merging the picks of Oriental and Occidental cultures 23、“什么”
we can talk about any issue. / Any issue can be talked about. / There will be no limitations to the kind of issues in our talks. / No limitations will be set to the issues in our talks. / We will set no limitations to the issues to be discussed in the two-party talks. 24、“轨道”
分析:path 轨道
course / track 轨道
答案:We hope that Taiwan authorities could return to the course of the “1992 Consensus” at an early rate.
They tried to put their country’s economy on course.
Both sides want to put their talks on the right track. 25、“方针”
分析:policy 政策
guidelines / guiding principle 方针
答案:Our guiding principle of placing hope on Taiwan people will remain unchanged. / Never change the guiding principle of placing hope on Taiwan people. 26、“分隔”
分析:separate / divide 分隔
isolate / insulate 分隔
答案:The more the “Taiwan independence” secessionist forces try to insulate Taiwan compatriots from us, the more closely we will try to unite with them. 27、“没有”
分析:if there is no Western value system 如果没有西方的价值观体系
without the Western value system 如果没有西方的价值观体系
答案:Without embracing the Western value system, no society in the world would ever be able to achieve modernization. 28、“陆续”
The delegates arrived in Shanghai one after another.
Good news came to us in succession.
We will make further efforts to introduce policies and measures from time to time to address issues that Taiwan compatriots are concerned with and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.