发表于 2016-7-11 17:37:00
in economic and trade areas,
双方可以彼此分享巨大的市场. making it possible for them to share each other's huge market.
中美的发展水平. …. 存在很大差异. Given their big differences in the level of development….
在劳动力等方面具有各自的比较优势 as well as their respective comparative advantages in labor….. respective a. 各自的
因而中美经贸发展有助于各自的优势互补 China and the United States can reinforce each other's
strengths by enhancing their economic & trade cooperation
当然, 中美经贸关系还存在着磨擦和纠纷 It's true that frictions and disputes still remain in the economic
and ……. Between….
但这些磨擦与纠纷是中美经贸关系的支流, Since such frictions and disputes are minor issues,
不应当影响两国经贸合作的主流, they should not affect the main trend of the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries,
更不应影响中美关系的总体. still less the overall China-U.S. relations.
互动 a. interactive both relations are interactive (是一种互动的关系)
同时,中美关系正常发展,也可为中美经贸 while normal bilateral relations will create a favorable political
发展创造良好的政治氛围. atmospheer for the development of their economic and trade relations
然而,经贸往来不会自动减缓政治冲突 although(but) economic and trade contacts will not automatically
mitigate political conflicts
mitigate v. 减轻 == ease
continuous political tension will inevitably affect the further development of
economic and trade contacts
This history of the past 23 years since the establishment of
diplomatic relations between China and the United States has proved that
中美关系正常发展时期,中美经贸关系就快速发展 China-US economic and trade ties will develop rapidly when the bilateral relations are sound and that the
反之,双边经贸发展就出现缓慢,停滞甚至倒退的局面. development of such ties will slow down, come to a standstill or even go backwards when he bilateral relations are otherwise.
otherwise a. 在不同情况下;其他方面的;另外的;
停滞: stagnate; be at a standstill (n. 停止,停顿)
倒退: go backwards
优势 friction; brush; clash
支流 minor issue; nonessential adj. 非本质的 n.不重要的人
互补 complementary a.
磨擦 dispute; trouble
专家们认为,从长远看,入世对中国加快实现国家农业 Experts believe that in the long run China's WTO entry will exert
positive influence in