发表于 2016-7-11 18:04:41
火化 incineration
You never used to see when I was here
I couldn't resist my laughter.
I clarified.
For indeed they are.
Most American office buildings no longer allow smoking on the premises,
driving those who can't resist the urge onto the streets.
The sight of them, lounging on 'coffee breaks' near the entrances to their workplace, puffing away, has become ubiquitous.
Stress is probably better measured anecdotally than statistically.
who amid the scares of 9-11 and its aftermath, have sought solace in cigarettes
At least three friends who'd given up tobacco have lapsed back into the habit,
claiming they couldn't calm their nerves any other way.
Others have increased their previously reduced intakes.
Some, in their quest for a crutch, have begun smoking for the first time.
the frantic puff has become the preferred alternative to the silent scream.
stash a canoe in his closet in case he needs to escape….by river
a firebomb makes the elevator or the staircase impassable
look into the purchase of a parachute
stock up on such items of antiterrorist chic as flame-retardant ponchos,
anthraxantidote antibiotics and heavy-duty gas masks.
be worried in the wake of the terrorist assaults
The anthrax scare may have receded.
have permanently unsettling effects.
seek reassurance in 'comfort food'
Given the alternatives, smoking seems a reasonable refuge
after all, the long-term threat of cancer seems far more remote these days than the prospect of explosive incineration.
considerable practice
Potential translators must have a high level of aptitude for the creative use of language.
or they are not likely to be outstanding in their profession.
n. 抒情诗 lyric
十分怪诞 plain weird
才能;天赋 aptitude
语言之间的 interlingual
完全;十分的 plain
doctor = edit