发表于 2016-7-11 17:23:38
每年都有不少新的克隆动物问世 a number of other cloned animals have kept coming out every year.
宣布他们将联手尝试克隆人;用来帮助 announced that they would work together on the cloning of human
不育夫妇获得后代。 beings so as to help sterile couples have offspring.
这个爆炸性的新闻一公布,就立即引起世界各国的强烈反响。 This explosive news instantly evoked worldwide repercussions.
赞成者有之,反对者更多;许多国家早就立法或者 While some people have voiced their support, many more oppose the practice of human cloning, a practice that has already been outlawed or banned in many countries.
越来越成为人们关注的一个问题。 has become an ever-increasing concern of the world
学术界,政治界和宗教界内反对克隆人的呼声非常强烈。There has been a strong outcry against human cloning in academic, political and religious circles.
They hold the view that technically the chance of successful cloning is slim and
破坏人的伦理道德,给社会造成灾难。 that consequently the cloning of human beings will destroy human moral principles and cause a social disaster.
在主流的反对声中,还有一种微弱的声音认为, Amongst the mainstream opposition there is a weak voice,
克隆人的是非需要等待历史来验证。 saying that whether human cloning is right or wrong is yet to be determined by history.
他们认为 For people sharing this view,
克隆技术确实与原子能技术等一样, cloning technology is just like atomic technology,
既能造福人类,也可祸害无穷。 which can be a blessing or a curse to mankind.
但‘技术恐惧’的实质,是对错误运用技术的人的 But fear of technology is essentially a fear of those who use
恐惧;而不是对技术本身的恐惧。 technology wrongfully, rather than a fear of the technology itself.
Historically, blood transfusion and organ transplant were both a subject of bitter
controversy relating to ethics.
更是掀起了轩然大波。 the event caused a great disturbance.
某项科技进步最终是否真正有益于人类,关键在 So whether a technological progress will eventually be beneficial
于人类如何对待和应用它。 to mankind depends on how mankind handles and applies it.
然而,多数人对于克隆人的反对立场并没有影响 Despite opposition on the part of the majority of people against human cloning,
克隆作为一项科学技术的迅速发展。 cloning as a technology has been developing fast.
一些科学家认为,克隆人的尝试必将进行下去, Some scientists believe that such experimentation is bound to go on人们所要做的是要学会怎么去控制它。 and that what we should do is to learn how to control it.
~be bound to…一定要
今天,人类拥有空前丰富的信息,工具和资源, Today, mankind possesses rich information, tools and resources as never before,
科学的发展已进入信息时代,核能时代,太空时代和生命科学时代 and scientific development has entered an era of information, nuclear energy, space flight and life science.
如何使科学造福而不是祸害于人类和地球,是人们应该关注和警觉的问题。 How to make science benefit instead of harming mankind and the earth is an issue that merits our attention and vigilance.
The Lugouqiao Incident
故意的 deliberately; on purpose
武装挑衅 military provocation
炮击 bombard
防区 defense area; garrison area
义愤 indignation
揭开序幕 raise the curtain on
军国主义者 militarist