发表于 2016-7-11 18:17:35
建筑风格独特,造型优美 Unique in architectural style and graceful in shape,
成为上海的又一个标志性建筑 the Grand Theater has become another landmark in Shanghai, making the People's Square the
使之成为上海名副其实的政治文化中心. veritable political and cultural center of the city.
总建筑面积….总高度为40米. is xxxx square meters in floor space and 40 meters in height.
共有10层,地下2层,地面6层,顶部2层 It has ten stories, two under the ground, six on the ground, and another two on top.
其建筑风格新颖别致,融汇了东西方的文化韵味. This original and unique architecture is an integration of the cultural appeal of the East and the West.
白色弧形拱顶和具有光感的玻璃幕墙 xxxx is just like a crystal palace when the lights set off a harmonious entity of the white arc-shaped roof and
有机结合,在灯光的烘托下,宛如一个水晶般的宫殿. the photosensitive glass curtain walls.
主要色调为白色,高雅而圣洁 with the white as its main tone which symbolizes elegance and purity.
大堂上空悬挂着由6片排萧灯架组合而成的大型水晶吊灯. A large chandelier, consisting of six panpipe-shaped lamps, hangs over the lobby.
地面采用举世罕见的希腊水晶白大理石. The floor is paved with a rare white marble known as the 'Greek Crystal'.
be imbued with 充满 图案形似琴键,
The pattern is of the shape of piano keys, and the giant white marble pillars and the stairs
on both sides are imbued with
白色巨型的大理石柱子和两边的台阶极富节奏感 a strong sense of rhythm, making people feel as if they were in a让人一走进大堂就仿佛置身于一个音乐的世界. world of music the moment they step into the lobby.
大剧院兼具歌剧,芭蕾,交响乐及综艺节目的演出功能. In the Grand Theater, operas, ballets, symphonies and variety shows can be staged.
它共有三个剧场,大剧场1800座,分为正厅,二层, It has three theaters respectively named the lyric theater, drama theater and studio theater in order of size.
三层楼座及6个包厢. The lyric theater has 1800 seats, with the auditorium divided into the stalls, the circle, the balcony and six boxes.
auditorium n. 观众/听众席
中剧场750座,小剧场300座. The drama theater has 750 seats, and the studio theater, 300 seats.
大剧场的舞台设施也是世界一流的,分为主舞台 The lyric theater, equipped with world-class stage facilities, is
后舞台和左右两个侧舞台 ,made up of the main stage, the rear stage, the left wing and the right wing.
可作平移,升降,倾斜,旋转 All the stages can be moved, raised, tilted and revolved.
revolve; 考虑,旋转;循环出现 tilt (使)倾斜, (使)翘起, 以言词或文字抨击
音响和灯光设备更具独特性能. The acoustic and lighting installations are of a more unique nature.
top-notch a.拔尖的 the stage equipment can satisfy the requirements of the world's top-notch performing troupes.
Since its opening on August 27, 1998, the Shanghai Grand Theater has successfully staged operas, musicals, ballets,
音乐剧,芭蕾,交响乐,室内乐,话剧,戏曲等各类 symphonies, chamber music concerts, modern dramas, Chinese local operas and variety shows.
大型演出和综艺晚会,在国内外享有很高的知名度. It enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad.
许多国家领导人和外国政要,国际知名人士光临大剧 Many state leaders, foreign VIPs and international celebrities
who have been to the Grand Theater have spoken
院后,给予了高度评价,认为上海大剧院是建筑与艺术 highly of it for its perfect combination of art and architecture.
的完美结晶.上海大剧院正日益成为上海重要的中外 is becoming an important window on the cultural exchange and
文化交流窗口和艺术沟通的桥梁 a bridge for the interflow of ars between China and other countries.
特别行政区 special administrative region(SAR)