Volkswagen to recall cars over gearbox defects
German automaker Volkswagen has agreed to recall 384,181 vehicles with defective gearboxes in China, the country's quality watchdog said on Wednesday.
The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) announced in an online statement that Volkswagen has filed the recall plan with the administration, after repeated pressing from consumers and media.
According to the statement, the carmaker will recall vehicles that have been the subject of accusations of malfunctions in their direct gearboxes (DGB) starting April 2.
The move was prompted by a demand from the AQSIQ on March 16 after a state-run television station broadcast a program showing that malfunctions in the DSG transmissions could cause a sudden loss or gain in engine power, which can pose safety hazards.
Zhang Yuanping, a spokesperson for the administration, said in a previous news briefing that China has probed the case since March, 2012 and made thorough research to ascertain the malfunction failure.
Last year, Volkswagen extended its DSG quality guarantee period in China to 10 years but refused to launch a recall, as reported by media, out of concerns over repair costs.
Analysts estimated the recall may cost the auto giant some 3 billion yuan (478.35 million U.S. dollars) in fixing problems, replacing flawed parts and updating software.
Products involved include imported vehicles from Germany and cars produced by two joint-owned enterprises in China.
In breakdown, the following vehicles are included on the list:
A total of 7,139 imported units of Scirocco 1.4TSI, Golf Variant, and Cross Golf that were produced between December, 2008 and September, 2011;
Alao on the recall list are 245,999 units of New Bora 1.4T, Golf A6 1.4T, Golf A6 1.6T, Sagitar 1.4T, Magotan 1.4T, CC 1.8T, New Sagitar 1.4T, New Magotan 1.4T and New Magotan 1.8T produced by Faw-Volkswagen during the period of May, 2009 and January, 2012 and of December, 2012 and February, 2013, as well as imported Audi A3 1.8T produced between February, 2010 and June, 2011;
The list also 131,043 units of five-seat Touran 1.4T, seven-seat Touran 1.4T, Octavia 1.8T, Octavia 1.4T, Lavida 1.4T, Superb 1.4T, New Passat 1.4T and New Passat 1.8T produced by Shanghai Volkswagen between October, 2009 and May 2012 and between December, 2012 and March, 2013.
中国网3月20日讯 经央视3•15晚会曝光后,大众汽车(中国)销售有限公司、一汽-大众汽车有限公司、上海大众汽车有限公司因变速箱内机电单元的电子故障或者油压不足,可能导致动力输出中断,决定自2013年4月2日起,召回以下部分缺陷汽车,共计38万余辆:
(一) 大众汽车(中国)销售有限公司进口的2008年12月至2011年9月生产的部分尚酷1.4TSI、高尔夫旅行车、Cross Golf,共计7139辆。
(二) 一汽-大众汽车有限公司2009年5月至2012年1月及2012年12月至2013年2月生产的新宝来1.4T、高尔夫A6 1.4T、高尔夫A6 1.6L、速腾1.4T、迈腾1.4T、CC1.8T、新速腾1.4T、新迈腾1.4T、新迈腾1.8T、进口的2010年2月至2011年6月生产的奥迪A3 1.8T,共计245999辆。
(三) 上海大众汽车有限公司2009年10月23日至2012年5月23日及2012年12月10日至2013年3月2日生产的途安5座1.4T、途安7座1.4T、明锐1.8T、明锐1.4T、朗逸1.4T、昊锐1.4T、新帕萨特1.4T、新帕萨特1.8T,共计131043辆。
本次召回活动是在质检总局缺陷调查影响下开展的。2012年3月以来,质检总局一直对大众DSG变速器动力中断故障问题进行跟踪调查。在开展缺陷调查和多次约谈督促下,2012年5月,大众公司将DSG变速器质量担保期延长到10年或者16万公里。同时,质检总局重点对动力中断问题开展了缺陷调查,先后征集故障信息1万余条,回访用户3000多名,开展现场调查12次,并对掌握的DSG故障件进行缺陷工程分析,组织专家论证7次,基本认定DSG变速器存在缺陷,导致动力中断,会产生安全隐患。2013年2月27日,质检总局再次约见大众公司,要求大众公司采取召回措施,尽快解决DSG故障问题。3月16日,质检总局依法通知大众公司就DSG变速器动力中断故障问题实施召回。 |