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发表于 2016-7-11 09:57:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Impatient U.S. Nudges Seoul, Tokyo To Make Up
          Japan and South Korea are haltingly moving to mend their bruised relationship, encouraged by U.S. officials eager to maintain a united front of allies as China's influence rises across the region and as North Korea has stepped up its bellicose rhetoric.
          Signs of a thaw have come as both countries have installed new leaders and as Washington has expressed growing impatience with repeated flare-ups over disagreements left unresolved since World War II.
          As Washington seeks to reassure its Asian allies of a continued commitment to the region, military officials from the U.S. and South Korea on Friday signed a military contingency plan to respond to possible attacks from North Korea. Also last week, top military officials from the U.S. and Japan met in Honolulu to discuss a response plan over East China Sea islands at the heart of a bitter territorial dispute between Japan and China.
          华盛顿希望强调其对该地区的承诺,让盟友感到放心。美国和韩国的军方官员上周五签署了一个军事应急方案,以应对可能来自朝鲜的袭击。同样在上周,美国和日本的最高军事官员在檀香山会面,讨论在东中国海(East China Sea,中国称东海)岛屿问题上的应对方案。这些岛屿是日中两国激烈领土争议的焦点。
          But a strong response to both Beijing and Pyongyang could be undermined by frayed ties between Washington's two main allies in East Asia.
          Efforts to rebuild trust between Seoul and Tokyo─which all but suspended top-level diplomatic dialogues last summer amid territorial tensions─have been quietly under way since January, soon after both countries' elections.
          Eager not to let deep-seated bitterness over Japan's wartime record in Korea derail security strategies in Asia, U.S. officials have played a prominent role in encouraging better relations between the governments of South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
          韩国对日本战争时期的行为存在根深蒂固的不满。为了防止这种情绪破坏亚洲的安全策略,美国官员一直在扮演积极的角色,鼓励韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)政府与日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)政府改善关系。
          When Ms. Park was inaugurated in late February, Japan's deputy prime minister attended as well as 30 members of parliament and three former prime ministers. A week later, Ms. Park and Mr. Abe talked by phone, pledging to work together to implement new United Nations sanctions against North Korea in response to its Feb. 12 nuclear test.
          Momentum toward normalcy could build over the coming months. Senior officials from the two nations and China are set to kick off talks in Seoul Tuesday for a trilateral free-trade agreement, an initiative that has endured even as tensions has built not just between Japan and South Korea, but also between Japan and China.

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