Western Firms Revisit Asia Approach
After 60 years supplying locomotives to Indonesia's state-owned railway, General Electric Co. faced a serious threat to its dominance in the country's locomotive market last year.
在向印尼国有铁路供应了60年火车头后,通用电气公司(General Electric Co.)在该国火车头市场上的主导地位去年面临严重威胁。
Indonesian railroad operator PT Kereta Api needed 100 locomotives to alleviate overcrowding on trains where riders often spill into the aisles and climb on the roofs. European and Canadian companies offered competitive technology, while a Chinese company promised low prices.
印尼铁路运营商PT Kereta Api需要100个火车头,以缓解火车超载现象。经常有乘客被挤到过道,并爬上车顶。欧洲和加拿大公司拿出了具有竞争力的技术,而中国公司则给出了低价承诺。
GE won the $250 million contract─thanks, in part, to its long relationship with the railroad operator─but 'we had a very close call,' says Stuart Dean, the Fairfield, Conn., conglomerate's chief executive in Southeast Asia. 'When a railroad buys five or six locomotives, no one cares, but when it wants 100 engines, everyone comes to play.'
总部位于康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德(Fairfield)的通用电气最终赢得了这份价值2.5亿美元的合同,这在一定程度上要归功于该公司与PT Kereta Api长久以来的关系。但通用电气东南亚首席执行长迪安(Stuart Dean)说,竞标过程非常激烈,铁路商买五、六个车头时没人在意,但如果是买100个,大家就都坐不住了。
The rapid advance of competitors isforcing one of the world's largest companies to change the way it does business across Asia and emerging markets.
'Historically, we've taken global solutions and sold them all over the world,' says Mr. Dean. 'But we're competing with local companies and we need to fine-tune our strategy.'
Multinationals have been increasing their footprint in Asia for years, as they have moved from selling into the region to also investing here. But the transformation is gaining critical mass as Western companies' market-share leads in Asia over cash-flush local competitors narrow, forcing Western firms to invest more, tailor their products and transfer top executives to Asia.
跨国公司多年来一直在扩大亚洲业务,它们从之前的向该地区销售产品转型为在这里投资。但这种转变也到了关键点,因为西方公司在亚洲领先于那些资金充裕的本地竞争者的市场份额正在逐渐缩小,所以它们不得不进行更多投资,根据亚洲客户的需求改善产品,并向亚洲派驻高管。 |