Crisis looms as central Asia’s Great Gameintensifies
Sixteen years ago this month there was panic across centralAsia. Having captured Kabul, the Taliban were movingnorthwards and some commanders were threatening toTalibanise the entire region. That prompted Russia and China topromise support to the ex-Soviet states across the region.
Post September 11 the Taliban threat receded but today central Asians are once again panicking atthe thought of US troops exiting Afghanistan. Added to the threat of a resurgent Taliban aredomestic Islamist extremist groups such as the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), whosemembers have spent the past decade in Pakistan’s tribal regions and are now, armed and battleready, re-entering central Asia through northern Afghanistan.
“9.11事件”之后,塔利班的威胁有所缓和,但一想到美军即将撤出阿富汗,如今的中亚人再次陷入了恐慌。除了塔利班势力可能复苏的威胁之外,乌兹别克斯坦伊斯兰运动(Islamic Movement ofUzbekistan, IMU)等国内伊斯兰极端组织也让人恐慌。过去十年,这些组织的成员一直活跃在巴基斯坦部落地区,现在他们已经武装起来并做好战争准备,从阿富汗北部再次进入中亚地区。
A flurry of security officials from Nato, the US and the EU have been visiting the region trying toreassure the governments in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan that border Afghanistan, andfragile Kyrgyzstan, over increased aid and security. US officials are also believed to be offering salesof unwanted heavy weapons from the Afghan theatre.
But at the same time Russia and China are trying to wean those governments away from the US, with Vladimir Putin in particular making a determined effort to return central Asia to Russia’sbackyard. In October Mr Putin signed a new 30-year treaty to secure a base in Tajikistan. A jointRussian-Tajik statement spoke of “the threat of terrorism and drug trafficking from Afghanistan”. The 7,000 Russian troops based in Tajikistan might increase. A month earlier Mr Putin had signeda treaty with Kyrgyzstan extending an air base lease for 20 years.
但与此同时,俄罗斯和中国也在努力使中亚国家摆脱对美国的依赖,尤其是弗拉基米尔 普京(Vladimir Putin)似乎下了很大的决心,把中亚重新变为俄罗斯的后院。10月份,普京签署了一份把对塔吉克斯坦境内一处军事基地的租期延长30年的协议。俄罗斯和塔吉克斯坦发布的一项联合声明提到了“阿富汗恐怖主义和毒品走私活动的威胁”。目前俄罗斯在塔吉克斯坦的驻军为7000名,未来规模可能会有所增加。一个月之前,普京还与吉尔吉斯斯坦签署了一项协议,把对其一处空军基地的租约延期20年。
China has been offering greater security through the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation – aregional pact that is yet to really take off – as well as using its long term ally Pakistan to gaininfluence with the Taliban. India too has a growing presence, with a military base in Tajikistan and oiland mineral stakes in Kazakhstan.
This represents an intensification of the new Great Game that erupted in the region after the break-up of the Soviet Union.
Mr Putin’s aim is to ensure that the US is left with little presence in the region. At present Russiaallows Nato supplies to travel through its territory to Afghanistan. The US has negotiated similarrights for its withdrawal from Afghanistan to reduce dependence on the southern route, whichPakistan closed earlier this year during a spat with the US. But Russia will make sure that thesetransit facilities end after 2014.
Russia is also adamantly opposing US plans to maintain small military bases in Afghanistanpost-2014 for special forces, drone missiles and trainers for the Afghan army.
So far only Uzbekistan has dissented from the Russian line. In July President Islam Karimovwithdrew from the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) of pro-Moscow states. He hasalso offered the Americans long-term facilities and is negotiating for US weapons supplies. But evenif Mr Karimov – a ruthless dictator who has refused to carry out economic reforms – can resistRussian pressure for long, he is hardly an ideal ally for the west.
目前,只有乌兹别克斯坦不赞同俄罗斯的立场。7月份,乌兹别克斯坦总统伊斯兰 卡里莫夫(IslamKarimov)宣布退出持亲俄立场、由前苏联加盟共和国组成的集体安全条约组织(Collective SecurityTreaty Organisation)。同时,他还给美国提供长期设施,并争取获得美国的武器供应。但即使可以长期抵制住俄罗斯的压力,卡里莫夫作为一位拒绝实施经济改革的残忍独裁者,也很难成为西方国家的一个理想盟友。
In the meantime Nato forces in northern Afghanistan are doing their best to eliminate the centralAsian Islamic militant groups. The IMU in particular has proved to be a long term threat and is nowclosely tied to al-Qaeda and Pakistan’s Lashkar-e-Taiba. Counting only a few hundred Uzbek andTajik fighters in the late 1990s, the group now has thousands of militants drawn from all centralAsian states as well as China, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Chechnya.
Yet for all the anxiety in Moscow and Washington about the shifting balance of power inAfghanistan, it does not represent the greatest threat to central Asia. What could really underminethe ex-Soviet states is the increasing pauperisation of their people, the collapse of services such ashealth and education, and the excesses of dictators and failure of governments – except forKyrgyzstan’s – to carry out any political, social or economic reforms. Unfortunately as the newGreat Game continues, both Russia and the US are ignoring the social and economic crisis that isabout to erupt in central Asia. That crisis will not be because of Afghanistan.
尽管俄罗斯和美国方面都很担忧阿富汗力量平衡出现的变化,但中亚面临的最大威胁并不在此。对这些前苏联加盟共和国而言,真正的危险可能在于是其民众日益贫困、医疗和教育等服务体系陷入瘫痪、独裁统治者荒淫无道,以及政府无力实施任何政治、社会或经济改革(吉尔吉斯斯坦除外)。令人遗憾的是,在这场新的大角逐的延续过程中,俄罗斯和美国都忽视了中亚可能会爆发的社会和经济危机,而这场危机的诱因将不是阿富汗。 |