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发表于 2016-7-11 09:55:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Spain's Chinese Entrepreneurs Feel BacklashFrom Tax Case
          A tax-evasion case against dozens of Chinese merchants hasincreased harassment against ethnic Chinese importers in Spain, reflecting how mounting frustration in crisis-hit Southern Europeis affecting one of its most productive foreign communities.
          The backlash, including insults and the loss of business for some Chinese entrepreneurs, followedthe October arrests of 58 Chinese nationals and 25 others in a probe called Operation Emperor. Spanish police accused them of being part of a ring that evaded taxes on imported Chinese goodsand sold them at a big profit, led by a prominent Chinese businessman. No trial date has been set.
          Chinese merchants have faced years of accusations from local businesspeople that they cheat ontaxes to compete unfairly, but the leaders and Spanish entrepreneurs with ties to their communitysay the vast majority of Chinese traders pay taxes and are being unfairly tarnished by what theycall a sensationalized case.
          Spain's 171,000 legal Chinese residents are a rare case of economic success in a country that is inits fifth year of economic crisis and facing unemployment above 25%. That makes the fallout fromOperation Emperor especially troubling, Spanish business leaders said.
          'I know of people who planned to make investments in Spain, and have told me they now prefer towait and see how this all develops,' said Jorge Garcia, head of the Spanish-Chinese Chamber ofCommerce, which groups hundreds of companies. 'This is not what we needed right now,' headded, without detailing specific cases.
          西班牙华人商会(Spanish-Chinese Chamber of Commerce)会长加西亚(Jorge Garcia)说,我认识一些打算在西班牙投资的人,他们对我说,现在更愿意等一等,看这一切会朝哪个方向发展。他还说,这不是我们目前所愿意看到的情况,但他没有细谈具体的案件。西班牙华人商会拥有数百家会员企业。
          Politicians and mainstream commentators have largely avoided stereotyping Chineseentrepreneurs in the wake of the arrests, but Chen Xiaolian, president of Spain's main association ofChinese businesspeople, said many of its members and their families have faced a torrent of racistinsults from individual Spaniards. 'I'm scared that all Chinese are being targeted now,' Ms. Chensaid.
          Ms. Chen has a small office in Cobo Calleja, an industrial park outside Fuenlabrada, southwest ofMadrid. Cobo Calleja is the largest Chinese trading hub in Spain and one of the largest in Europe, with 1,500 warehouses for wholesalers and retailers of products including industrial tools andChristmas decorations.
          陈晓莲在马德里西南市镇丰拉夫拉达(Fuenlabrada)城郊的Cobo Calleja工业区有一个小办公室。Cobo Calleja是西班牙最大的华人贸易中心,也是整个欧洲最大的华人贸易中心之一,拥有1,500个可供批发商和零售商使用的仓库,这些商人经营的产品大到工业设备小到圣诞节装饰品无所不包。
          On her desk is a plaque awarded in 2008 by Fuenlabrada's town hall in recognition of the Chinesecommunity's efforts to integrate into Spain. Last year, the minister of public works traveled toCobo Calleja to inaugurate a shopping center. At Ms. Chen's textile-import company, five of the 10 employees are Spanish.
          她的桌子上放着一块匾,是2008年丰拉夫拉达市政厅为表彰华人社群融入西班牙社会的努力而颁发的。去年,西班牙公共工程部部长前往Cobo Calleja,为一家购物中心剪彩。陈晓莲的纺织品进口公司的10名员工当中有五名是西班牙人。
          'Most Chinese businesspeople pay their taxes and contribute to society, but many now havedoubts,' she said, referring to the new backlash. 'They are wondering 'Shall we go back to China?' '
          Chinese workers said many warehouses in Cobo Calleja belong to Gao Ping, a Madrid-based art-gallery owner police accuse of leading the tax-evasion ring.
          据中国工人说,Cobo Calleja的很多仓库都归马德里的一个画廊老板高平所有。警方指控高平是逃税团伙的带头人。
          Police allege the ring profited by declaring fewer imports than it really brought into Spain, sentcapital back to China illegally, and ran a loan-shark business targeting fellow Chinese traders. Mr. Gao's lawyer told a Colombian radio station that his client, who was released pending a trial, deniesthe charges, but the lawyer didn't respond to requests for further comment.

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