China has successfully conducted flight landing on its first aircraftcarrier, the Liaoning, naval sources said.
A new J-15 fighter jet was used as part of the landing exercise.
After its delivery to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy onSept. 25, the aircraft carrier has undergone a series of sailingand technological tests, including the flight of the carrier-borne J-15.
Capabilities of the carrier platform and the J-15 have been tested, meeting all requirements andachieving good compatibility, the PLA Navy said.
Since the carrier entered service, the crew have completed more than 100 training and testprograms.
The successful flight landing also marked the debut of the J-15 as China's first generation multi-purpose carrier-borne fighter jet, the PLA Navy said.
Designed by and made in China, the J-15 is able to carry multi-type anti-ship, air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, as well as precision-guided bombs.
The J-15 has comprehensive capabilities comparable to those of the Russian Su-33 jet and theU.S. F-18, military experts estimated.
歼—15飞机是我国自行设计研制的首型舰载多用途战斗机,具有完全的自主知识产权,可遂行制空、制海等作战任务,飞行性能良好,配挂多型精确制导武器,具备远程打击和昼夜间作战能力。 |