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发表于 2016-7-11 09:55:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Compared with some past occupants of Japan’s prime ministerialresidence, Yoshihiko Noda is a lucky man. One previousincumbent was shot dead there by ultranationalist officers in 1932. Another had to hide from attackers in a servant’s closet.
          Nobody expects another rightist storming of the elegant art deco building, even though in aFinancial Times interview there on Sunday, Mr Noda expressed concern at an emerging air ofexcessive nationalism amid a flaring territorial dispute with China.
          But Mr Noda is certainly under political attack. Analysts are unanimous in predicting his rulingDemocratic party will be ousted in an election set for December 16.
          Defeat would make Mr Noda the seventh man to turn in the keys to the prime minister’s residencein just over six years. Which raises two questions: why does Japan burn through leaders sorapidly? And should the world care who sits in the political hothouse?
          Asked about the spinning prime ministerial carousel, Mr Noda notes that the recent string of briefincumbents began with Shinzo Abe, leader of the opposition Liberal Democratic party and the manwho, opinion polls suggest, will next month become Japan’s first two-time premier in decades.
          在被问及日本首相的频繁更换时,野田表示,此轮“短命”首相的轮回从反对党自民党党魁安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)开始。而民调显示,安倍有可能会在下个月成为日本几十年来首位第二次担任首相的人。
          In his first tilt at the job, Mr Abe lasted just a year, stepping down in September 2007 almostbroken by scandals and electoral setbacks.
          Mr Noda is not very forthcoming on why such short prime ministerial careers have become thenorm, saying only that unlike US presidents, Japan’s leaders do not enjoy a fixed term
          Yet his experience in office is revealing, marked by the struggle to maintain the unit of a fractiousruling party while also pushing legislation past an opposition-dominated Dietupper house. This challenge has been the norm in Japan in recent years, since frequent upperhouse elections are used by voters to punish the party in power – a big cause of Mr Abe’s fall in 2007.
          Japanese parties are also much less disciplined than counterparts in other parliamentarydemocracies, such as the UK. The ruling Democratic party and the LDP, for example, containlegislators fiercely against trade liberalisation and others who think it vital.
          The DPJ’s first prime minister after its 2009 victory, Yukio Hatoyama, could not fashion suchdivergent views into coherent policy and resigned after less than nine months. His successor, NaotoKan, lasted more than a year but spent much of his later months in office fending off internalrebellion.
          民主党首位首相鸠山由纪夫(Yukio Hatoyama)2009年当选之后,无法在分裂的观点中形成统一的政策,不到9个月就辞职。他的继任者菅直人(Naoto Kan)的任期虽然超过了一年,但其任期后半段主要的时间都用于应付内部叛乱。
          Mr Noda, who took over in August 2011, was able to last as long as he has only by using cabinetpositions as political balm for internal party strains. But repeated reshuffles made a mockery ofDPJ hopes to establish effective “political leadership” over Japan’s powerful bureaucrats, with manyministers lasting only a few months.
          Yet Mr Noda’s record also offers an argument for why it matters who leads Japan’s government – and suggests even shortlived incumbents can make a mark in office. A relative fiscal hawk, hisdetermined focus on seeking to narrow a yawning government deficit resulted in the passage oflegislation paving the way for a doubling of the 5 per cent consumption tax by 2015.
          He also secured opposition backing for a national council on social security reform that shouldsurvive his administration.
          Such moves took courage, not least because the tax rise plan helped shatter the DPJ’s remainingunity. After winning more than 300 seats in the Diet’s 480-seat lower house in 2009, a stream ofdefections mean it does not even command a majority.
          “I think it would be difficult in any country to ask the public to shoulder a new burden just ahead ofan election,” notes Mr Noda drily.
          Mr Noda’s manner in the face of what appears to be certain electoral defeat also demands a certainrespect.
          Stung by accusations he was betraying an August pledge to step down “soon” and unwilling torisk being toppled by DPJ rebels, the prime minister dramatically declared his willingness to go tothe polls in a nationally televised Diet debate. In his FT interview, he appeared as calm and assuredas during a previous encounter during the early days of his administration.
          Though derided by some for his “political suicide”, one grudging admirer from a Japanese businessgroup likens Mr Noda to a warrior committing hara-kiri – ritual suicide – rather than be taken by hisenemies. “That’s the samurai way,” he says.

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