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发表于 2016-7-11 09:55:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  While the book publishing world has so far weathered the shiftto digital better than other media, the decision by Penguin andRandom House to merge signals an underlying anxiety aboutfuture profitability.
          迄今为止,图书出版界较其他媒体更好地经受住了向数字转型的考验。然而,企鹅出版社(Penguin)与兰登书屋(Random House)的合并表明,出版商在心底对未来的盈利能力依然忧心忡忡。
          For though technological innovation has made it easier than ever for readers to buy books, there isa catch: a single retailer – Amazon– dominates the digital distribution channels. Its power is set tobecome stronger as ebooks eat into print book sales.
          The question for book publishers is whether, through mergers and acquisitions, they can retainenough market power to avoid being squeezed by Amazon and its tough negotiating tactics.
          The rising popularity of ebooks poses a particular challenge for publishers. Amazon has about 25 per cent of the physical book market in the US, but it commands a 60 per cent share of the USebook market.
          In the UK, about 90 per cent of ebooks are sold through Amazon, giving it great influence overhow they are priced and promoted.
          Mike Shatzkin, chief executive of The Idea Logical Company, a New York-based consultancy tomany of the world’s biggest publishers, says Penguin, which is owned by Pearson, the parentcompany of the Financial Times, and Random House, owned by Bertelsmann, the German mediagroup, will be better able to negotiate with Amazon by joining forces.
          总部位于纽约、为全球多家大型出版商提供咨询的The Idea Logical Company的首席执行官迈克 沙茨金(Mike Shatzkin)指出,企鹅出版社与兰登书屋合并以后,将能增强对亚马逊的议价能力。企鹅出版社是英国《金融时报》的姊妹公司,两者均隶属培生集团(Pearson)。兰登书屋所有者是德国媒体集团贝塔斯曼(Bertelsmann)。
          “Being bigger gives them strong power,” he says. “It’s all about negotiating power with theretailers.”
          If the merger of Penguin and Random House gets regulatory approval, the venture will publishabout a quarter of the world’s English language books, with a roster of best-selling writers fromJamie Oliver, the chef, to EL James, whose erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey – popular on discreetereading devices – this year became the UK’s biggest-selling book to date.
          如果企鹅出版社与兰登书屋的合并获得监管机构批准,合并后公司出版的图书将占全球英语类图书的约四分之一,作者队伍中不乏畅销书作家,如英国知名大厨杰米 奥利弗(Jamie Oliver)以及EL 詹姆斯(EL James)等。EL 詹姆斯的性爱小说《五十层灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)在私密性较好的电子阅读设备上非常流行,该书是今年迄今英国最畅销的小说。
          Rumours are rife about which of the remaining “big six” publishers – Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, and Simon and Schuster – may be next to combine, or whether smaller publishers willbe snapped up by the big players.
          人人纷纷猜测,“六大”出版商中余下的四家——阿歇特(Hachette)、哈珀柯林斯(HarperCollins)、麦克米伦(Macmillan)和西蒙与舒斯特(Simon and Schuster)——接下来会有谁展开合并,或者,大型出版商是否会吞并中小出版商。
          But not all publishers believe getting bigger is the solution. Some believe Amazon will lose its grip onbook distribution as rival retailers and tech groups enter the market, including Apple, Google, Barnes and Noble, and supermarkets such as Tescoand Sainsbury’s.
          不过,并非所有的出版商都相信扩大规模就能解决问题。有人认为,随着零售竞争对手和科技企业(包括苹果(Apple)、谷歌(Google)、巴诺书店(Barnes and Noble)等)以及超市(如乐购(Tesco)、森宝利(Sainsbury's)等)进入图书市场,亚马逊将失去对图书分销的控制。
          “I don’t think big necessarily means better,” says Christopher Hamilton-Emery, a director of SaltPublishing, an independent British house. The rise of digital publishing, he argues, is likely to lead toan “explosion” of smaller, more focused publishers that can harness technology to establishrelationships directly with consumers.
          英国独立出版商Salt Publishing的董事克里斯托弗 汉密尔顿-埃默里(Christopher Hamilton-Emery)表示:“我不认为大就一定意味着更好。”他认为,数字出版的崛起很可能导致规模更小、更专注某一领域的出版商大量涌现,这些出版商能够利用科技与消费者直接建立关系。
          While ebook sales are still dwarfed by print sales, they are growing fast. According to the latest datafrom the Association of American Publishers, ebook sales have grown 50 per cent this year andaccount for 28 per cent of all adult fiction and non-fiction sales in the US.
          虽然与印刷版图书销量相比,电子图书销量仍相形见绌,但电子图书的销量增长很是迅猛。美国出版商协会(Association of American Publishers)最新数据显示,今年美国电子图书销量增长了50%,占成人类小说和非小说图书总销量的28%。

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