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发表于 2016-7-11 09:55:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Real Progress, But We're Not Done
          For the past few days, we've all been properly focused on oneof the worst storms of our lifetimes. We mourn those who werelost. And we pledge to stand with those whose lives have beenturned upside down for as long as it takes to recover andrebuild岸better than before.
          Because when hardship hits, America is at its best. The petty differences that consume us in normaltimes fade away. There are no Democrats or Republicans during a storm岸only fellow Americans. That is how we get through the most trying times: together.
          In 2008, we were mired in two wars and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Together, we've battled our way back. Our businesses have created over five million new jobs inthe past two and a half years. Home values are on the rise. Manufacturing is growing at the fastestpace in 15 years. The American auto industry is back. Thanks to the service and sacrifice of ourbrave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over. And Osama bin Laden is dead
          回想2008年,当时的我们深陷两场战争,同时遭遇自“大萧条”以来最严重的经济危机。就是因为团结,我们克服困难实现复苏:在过去两年半的时间里我们的企业创造了超过500万个就业机会;房屋价值呈上升趋势;制造业正以15年来的最快步伐增长;美国的汽车产业又重获生机。正是由于勇敢的美军士兵的付出和牺牲,伊拉克战争才得以结束,本 拉登(Osama bin Laden)才会被击
          We've made real progress. But we're not done yet. On Tuesday, you get to choose between twofundamentally different visions of America岸one where we return to the top-down policies thatcrashed our economy four years ago, and one built on a strong, growing middle class
          Our free market is the engine of America's progress, driven by risk-takers, innovators anddreamers. Our people succeed when they have the chance to get a good education and learn newskills岸and so do the businesses that hire them, or the companies they start. We believe that whenwe support research into scientific and medical breakthroughs, new industries will start here andstay here. We grow faster when our tax code rewards hard work and companies that create jobsin America, and when quality health care and a dignified retirement aren't just achievable goals buta measure of our values as a nation.

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发表于 2016-7-11 10:42:13 | 显示全部楼层




          For eight years, we had a president who shared these beliefs. Bill Clinton asked the wealthiest topay a little more so we could reduce the deficit and still make these investments. By the end of hissecond term, America had created 23 million new jobs. Incomes were up. Poverty was down. Deficits became surpluses. And Wall Street did very well.
          我们曾在一位相信这些理念的总统的带领下走过了八年时间。比尔 克林顿(Bill Clinton)曾要求最富裕的美国人多交一点税,这样我们能够在降低赤字的同时仍有余地进行这些投资。在克林顿第二个任期届满时,美国创造了2,300万个新就业机会。人民收入上升,贫困人口减少,财政赤字变成盈余,华尔街也处于相当稳健的境况。
          In the eight years after, we followed a different path. Bigger tax cuts for the wealthy we couldn'tafford. Encouraging companies to ship jobs and profits overseas. Fewer rules for big banks andinsurers. The result of this top-down economics? Falling incomes, record deficits, the slowest jobgrowth in half a century, and an economic crisis we've been cleaning up for the past four years.
          Gov. Mitt Romney has offered岸under the guise of 'real change'岸these very same policies thatfailed our country so badly. But we know better.
          米特 罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)州长以“真实改变”为幌子提出的,恰恰是这些让我们国家如此严重失灵的政策。但我们不再上当。
          We shouldn't end college tax credits to pay for millionaires' tax cuts; we should make college moreaffordable for everyone who's willing to work for it. We should recruit 100,000 math and scienceteachers so that high-tech, high-wage jobs aren't created in China but in America. And we shouldequip another two million Americans at community colleges with skills that businesses are lookingfor right now.
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发表于 2016-7-11 11:45:21 | 显示全部楼层

          Change is an America that is home to the next generation of manufacturing and innovation. I'mproud I bet on the American auto industry. I refuse to cede the future of manufacturing to othercountries. We need a tax code that stops rewarding companies that ship jobs overseas and startsrewarding companies that create jobs here; one that stops subsidizing oil-company profits andkeeps supporting new energy jobs and new technology that will cut our oil imports in half.
          Change is an America that turns the page on a decade of war to do some nation-building here athome. So long as I'm commander in chief, we'll pursue our enemies with the strongest military inthe world. But it is time to use the savings from ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to paydown our debt and rebuild American roads, bridges, schools and broadband.
          Change is an America where we reduce our deficit by cutting where we can and asking thewealthiest to go back to the income-tax rates they paid under President Clinton. I've worked withRepublicans to cut a trillion dollars of spending, and I'll do more. I'll work with anyone of any partyto move this country forward. But I won't eliminate health insurance for millions of poor, elderly ordisabled on Medicaid, and I won't turn Medicare into a voucher to pay for another millionaire's taxcut. That is surrender to the same philosophy that hurt middle-class families for too long.
          I'm fighting for the Americans whose letters I read at night, whom I meet on the trail every day. The laid-off furniture worker who's retraining at age 55 for a career in biotechnology. The owner ofa small restaurant who needs a loan to expand after the bank turned him down. The autoworkerwho's back on the job filled with the pride of building a great car.
          When these Americans do well, America does well. That is the change we need right now. Now'sthe time to keep pushing forward to make sure that no matter who you are, where you comefrom or how you started out, you can work to achieve your American dream.
          That is the America within our reach. That is why I'm asking for your vote this Tuesday.
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