Apple Gives In to Employee Perks
When it comes to keeping employees happy, Apple Inc. appearsto be taking some inspiration from Google Inc.
在怎样让员工满意的问题上,苹果公司(Apple Inc.)似乎正在借鉴谷歌(Google Inc.)的一些做法。
Earlier this year, Apple told some employees about a newinitiative called 'Blue Sky' that allows a small group of staffers tospend a few weeks on a pet engineering project, according to three people told about theprogram.
三位知情人士说,今年早些时候,苹果向部分员工介绍了一个名叫“蓝天”(Blue Sky)的新计划。根据这个计划,少数员工可以拿出数周时间从事自己最喜爱的项目。
It is a more limited version of similar initiatives for hatching new ideas that have long existed inSilicon Valley. The most well-known of those is Google's '20% time,' which allows employees tospend up to a fifth of their time on projects outside their normal responsibilities.
The idea was previously anathema at Apple. The Cupertino, Calif., company is known for organizingteams around a few focused projects that come from the top. Employees have often griped aboutthe lack of leeway.
When it comes to culture among technology companies, Apple is still an outlier. Its managers havelong ignored standard Silicon Valley perks, such as free lunches, believing the opportunity to workat the company and on its popular products compelled people to stay.
Last year, in a session of Apple's internal management program Apple University, officials discussedhow the company is in some ways more like the military than a traditional corporation, accordingto a person who was told about the presentation.
一位知情人士说,去年在内部管理项目“苹果大学”(Apple University)的一节课上,高管谈到该公司在某些方面更像是军队,而不是传统的企业。
But under Chief Executive Tim Cook, who took over from co-founder Steve Jobs last year, Apple isbecoming more employee-friendly.
但在去年接替联合创始人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)担任首席执行长的库克(Tim Cook)的带领下,苹果对员工越来越友好。
Mr. Cook has introduced small corporate benefits that Mr. Jobs resisted or never cared muchabout, such as new employee discounts on Apple products and a charitable matching program.