Debating Over Last Term, Candidates SayLittle of Next
WASHINGTON — After three debates and four and a half hoursof nationally televised exchanges, Americans have learned thatPresident Obama has a smaller pension than his opponent andMitt Romney wants to get Big Bird’s beak out of the federaltrough, that Joseph R. Biden Jr. likes to smile and Paul D. Ryandrinks lots of water.
华盛顿——经过了三场辩论、四个半小时的全国电视直播,美国人民已经知道,奥巴马总统的退休金没他的对手多;米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)想给吃联邦补助的“大鸟”(Big Bird, 美国公共广播公司儿童节目“芝麻街”里的人物——编注)断粮;小约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)喜欢笑;保罗·D·瑞安(Paul D. Ryan)很能喝水。
But they have not learned as much about what the next four years might look like. With tens ofmillions of Americans tuning in to the debates, the four candidates for president and vice presidenthave spent most of their time on the biggest public stage of the campaign fighting more aboutwhat happened in the last term than what should happen in the next.
但是,美国人还是不知道,今后四年美国将何去何从。几千万美国人在看电视辩论, 两位总统候选人,两位副总统候选人,却站在此次竞选最大的公共辩论台上,用大部分时间争论上一届政府的所作所为,而非下一届政府应该怎么办。
Mr. Obama and Vice President Biden defended their record but gave only a modest sense of theiragenda should they be re-elected, beyond arguing for staying the course because the other sidewould return to what they called the failed policies of the past. Mr. Romney and his running mate, Mr. Ryan, did offer a vision of sorts for replacing what they called failed policies of the present, butthey declined to give the kind of details that would help voters evaluate what it would mean forthem.
As a result, voters are left to extrapolate from the signals sent during the debates what the futurewould hold under an Obama second term or a first term of a President Romney. Americans canmake interpretations from the values and concepts expressed, even if there are few tangible plansto consider.
“The viewers know what these candidates believe,” said William A. Galston, a former adviser toPresident Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore who now works as a senior fellow at the BrookingsInstitution. “But they don’t know what these candidates would do.”
威廉姆·A·高尔斯顿(William A. Galston)说,“观众们知道这些候选人信奉什么,但他们不知道这些候选人将会做些什么。” 高尔斯顿曾是比尔·克林顿总统和阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)副总统的顾问,现在是布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)的高级研究员。
In postdebate appearances on Wednesday, both the president and Mr. Romney seized on whatthey saw as their opponents’ deficiencies.
“The president still doesn’t have an agenda for a second term,” Mr. Romney told a rally ofsupporters in Chesapeake, Va. “Don’t you think that it’s time for him to finally put together a visionof what he’d do in the next four years?”
He added: “I just think the American people had expected that the president of the United Stateswould be able to describe what he’s going to do in the next four years, but he can’t.”
At his own rally in Mount Vernon, Iowa, Mr. Obama said: “Governor Romney also took anotherstab at trying to sell us his $5 trillion tax cut that favors the wealthy. Once again he refused to tellus how he’s going to pay for it.”