看点一:库克介绍王府井Apple Store
看点一:库克介绍王府井Apple Store
按照近年苹果发布会的惯例,CEO库克应该会 回顾一下近期新开张的AppleStore,那么于10月20日刚刚开业的北京王府井店应该会被第一个提到,因为它是亚洲最大的苹果零售店、也是全世界第三家使用三层透明旋转楼梯、亚洲唯一一家使用360度天才吧的Apple Store,新浪科技此前对这家店的预览和开业都做过详细报道。
库克对这家店的评价值得期待,不出意外的话,王府井Apple Store应该会在发布会刚刚开场时就出现在大屏幕上。
看点二:7.85英寸的iPad mini
看点二:7.85英寸的iPad mini
iPadmini是此次发布会的重点,但是这款被俗称为“7英寸iPad”的iPad其实是7.85英寸1024*768像素的。而目前的两款热门7英寸平板KindleFire和Nexus 7都是7英寸1280*800像素的。
为什么是7.85英寸?简单的来说这是一个数学计算的结果,7.85英寸和1024*768的分辨率(163PPI)能让开发者先前开发的针对iPad的应用程序都兼容这款iPad并且它的各个用户界面元素显示大小和未采用Retina屏幕的iPhone和iPod touch相同。
但在乔布斯曾经鲜明反对后又未明确同意做这样 一款产品的背景下,尤其是今年8月份苹果互联网软件与服务高级副总裁EddyCue发于去年1月的“建议苹果生产7英寸iPad”邮件曝光后,苹果如何向大家解释推出iPadmini的原因,是一个值得关注的问题。同时,苹果会损一下其它7英寸的平板吗?
据悉,此次发布会苹果会把第三代iPad也就是“The NewiPad”小改款更换为使用闪电接口的版本,价格保持不变,已经有网友戏称这款iPad为“The Newer iPad”。
看点四:13英寸Retina屏幕MacBook Pro
看点四:13英寸Retina屏幕MacBook Pro
在今年6月WWDC2012上,苹果发布了 Retina屏幕的MacBookPro笔记本电脑,但是只有15英寸版本。而13英寸版本前些天已经被全面曝光:其分辨率是2560*1600像素,接口和15英寸RMBP相同,硬盘也会采用和15英寸相同的256GB SSD起步,但是并没有独立显卡。在10月23日的iPadmini发布会上,这款13英寸的RMBP肯定会登场了。
消息称13英寸Retina屏幕的MacBook Pro标配8GB内存、低配为最新一代i52.5GHz处理器。据悉其起步价格为1699美元(约合人民币10625元),按惯例加完增值税估计行货价格在人民币12500元左右。而15英寸的最低配是16488元,都超过了万元。
目前传出的13英寸版本没有独立显卡让很多网 友很失望。这并不意外,因为原来13英寸普通屏幕的MacBookPro也并未采用独立显卡,而是采用了集成的Intel HD Graphics4000显卡,虽然驱动Retina屏幕不会有问题,但是在游戏性能方面要比15英寸的差了。
看点五:iMac和Mac mini的更新
看点五:iMac和Mac mini的更新
Apple's next event is less than 24 hours away and everyone expectsthat the iPad mini will be the star of the show. But it's notexpected to be alone。
Here's everything we expect Apple to announce tomorrow:iPad mini (or iPad Air)
Apple is widely expected to unveil a smaller version of its iPadtablet. The device will likely feature a 7.85-inch display, but itmight not have the high-resolution Retina display that Appleincludes on some of its products。
The new tablet is believed to have a coated aluminum back coversimilar to the iPhone 5, as well as the new Apple Lightning dockconnector. Additionally, alleged pictures of the tablet show itwill have two speakers, although some pre-announcement pictureshave turned out to be false in the past。
Like the bigger iPad, the mini is expected to be available in aversion that will connect to cellular networks as well as Wi-Fi.The new device's main competitors — the Google Nexus 7 and Amazon7-inch Kindle Fire HD — are Wi-Fi only。
Reports have said the iPad mini could be priced starting at $250 oras high as $329.
As for the name, it's been widely expected the device will becalled the iPad mini, but a report last week challenged that name,saying it may be called the iPad Air。
13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina
This summer, Apple introduced a lighter and slimmer version of its15-inch MacBook Pro that also included the higher-resolution Retinadisplay. On Tuesday, Apple might introduce its 13-inch counterpartin time for the holidays。
If Apple does announce a 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina it isexpected to have a 2,560-by-1,600 pixel display. The current13-inch MacBook Pro by comparison has a 1,280-by-800 pixelresolution。
Additionally, the 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina is not expectedto have an optical drive, and it is believed to start at$1,699.
Mac mini
There haven't been many details on what exactly Apple plans to doto the Mac mini, it's tiny desktop computer, but 9 to 5 Mac reportsthat the tech company will give the machine some sort of upgrade.For reference, the Mac mini's internals were updated last year andit was renovated two years ago, but we'll find out how much of anupdate the small computer gets, if it gets one at all, onTuesday。
Even more vague than reports about the Mac mini is the iMac desktopcomputer. 9 to 5 Mac and Apple Insider have reported that Appleplans to update the computer, but since there haven't been manydetails as to what will be new, our guess is it will mostly receiveinternal upgrades or receive USB 3.0 ports。
9.7-inch iPad (Third generation)
Another rumor that has been floating around the Web on severalreports is that Apple may give a slight change to its currentthird-generation 9.7-inch iPad。
Last month, Apple released the iPhone 5 and introduced the newLightning dock connector, and it is believed the company may add itto the current iPad. Adding to the speculation was an alleged photoof the third-generation iPad with the Lightning connector, whichrecently hit the Web。
Besides the iPhone 5, the Lightning dock is also on the new iPodTouch and the new iPod Nano. It is also expected to be on the iPadmini, so adding it to the current iPad wouldn't befar-fetched。 |