Instant Polls: Obama Wins Second Debate
President Barack Obama narrowly won the second presidentialdebate against his Republican rival Gov. Mitt Romney accordingto two polls released shortly after the debate concluded by CBSNews and CNN.
美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)与共和党总统候选人罗姆尼(MittRomney)的第二场辩论结束后不久,由CBS News和美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)发布的两个民调显示,奥巴马以微弱优势赢得了这场辩论。
CBS News said its instant poll of 500 uncommitted voters found that Mr. Obama had won thecontest by 37% to 30%, with 33% saying they thought the 90 minute session was a tie. That pollhas a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points. In a similar poll after the first debate, Mr. Romney won by 46% to 22%.
CBS News说,对500名中立选民进行的即时调查显示奥巴马在辩论中获胜,他与罗姆尼的支持率分别为37%和30%,33%的人说他们觉得这场90分钟的辩论不分胜负。该调查的误差为正负4个百分点。第一场辩论后的类似调查中,罗姆尼以46%对22%的支持率胜出。
CNN also said the president had won. Its post-debate poll of 457 registered voters said Mr. Obamawon 46% to 39%, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 points. In CNN’s similar poll after thefirst debate, 67% said Mr. Romney fared better, with just 25% for Mr. Obama.
CNN也说奥巴马获胜。其在辩论后对457名登记选民的调查显示,奥巴马以46%对39%的支持率获胜(误差正负4.5个百分点)。CNN在首场辩论后举行的类似调查显示,67%的人认为罗姆尼表现更好,只有25%的人支持奥巴马。 |