US president Barack Obama and Republican nominee MittRomney had their first round of presidential debates on October 3. These debates are widely regarded as one of the keymoments in the US election campaign.
十月三日,美国现任总统贝拉克 奥巴马以及共和党候选人米特 罗姆尼进行了二人的首轮总统竞选辩论。这次辩论被公认为是美国大选中最为关键的时刻之一。
The two candidates addressed key issues including tax policies, healthcare and the role of thegovernment. Judging from numerous media analyses and polls after the event, it was Romneywho emerged with the upper hand. He was presidential, articulate and strong. Obama, on theother hand, was “stumbling, rambling, dull-edged” and spent most of the debate on thedefensive, said an article in The Atlantic.
It seems Romney’s hard work paid off. According to The New York Times he has been doingdebate preparation since June. Meanwhile, Obama’s campaign team has been telling journalists howlittle time he has had to prepare due to his heavy workload as incumbent.
The next two debates are scheduled for October 16 and 22. Their outcome will have a stronginfluence on those who haven’t yet decided how to vote. Perhaps the president should spendmore time honing his debating skills.接下来的两轮辩论分别定于10月16日和22日举行。他们辩论的结果将对那些尚未确定投票对象的选民们产生巨大的影响。也许总统先生应该多花点时间好好练习一下辩论技巧。
So, how does a candidate prepare for these verbal duels?
Candidates enjoy the perk of having a prep team to arrange mock debate sessions and give themfeedback. The prep team’s key task is to put together a briefing book on policy for the candidate, in addition to a position book detailing the opponent’s stance on key issues.
The team also tries to anticipate potential questions right down to their possible phrasing, said TadDevine in a recent interview with the BBC. Devine is a senior adviser who helped with previouspresidential debates.
竞选团队还要尝试预测出所有可能出现的问题,甚至是每一句可能使用的措辞,曾参与前几届总统辩论工作的高级顾问泰德 迪瓦恩近日在接受BBC采访时如是说。
A candidate is generally advised to stick to familiar territory, using tried and tested material. Sharpone-liner attacks known as “zingers” are a key part of this approach and can be very effective.
Romney is said to have been came in handy on October 3. He said: “Mr President, practicingzingers, which you’re entitled, as the president, to your own airplane and to your own house, butnot to your own facts.”
One of the most important rules, says Devine, is to have a central message that you drive hometo the audience repeatedly. Also make sure you answer the question, and do so right away. “Onceyou’ve answered, you can go on and talk about what you want to talk about,” says Devine.
Another rule is never to show disdain for the opponent, but Obama has apparently forgotten this. “Professorial” is the word media outlets used most frequently to describe Obama’s mannerism. Hewas busy taking notes and didn’t make a lot of eye contact with either Romney or the cameras.
Whereas Romney managed to “keep a choirboy smile pasted on his face”, the president was quickto drop his friendliness and adopted “the look of a long-suffering headmaster enduring the excusesof a bright student he is going to expel,” said a New York Times article.
It is no secret that Obama doesn’t like Romney, but after the first debate he might admit thatRomney is a formidable opponent after all.
奥巴马不喜欢罗姆尼,这点可谓众人皆知。但在首轮辩论之后,他也许要承认,罗姆尼终究是位强大的对手。 |