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双语阅读:iPhone 5销量预测上调









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发表于 2016-7-11 09:54:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
iPhone 5 Sales Forecasts Boosted
          Apple’s rapid international rollout of the new iPhone 5 hasprompted analysts to upgrade their sales forecasts for thesmartphone, with some suggesting it could sell almost twice asmany in the opening weekend as the iPhone 4 two years ago.
          苹果(Apple)迅速推动iPhone 5全球发售进程,促使分析师们上调这款智能手机的销售预测,一些人提出,其首个周末的销量可能达到两年前iPhone 4的几乎两倍。
          Apple intends to launch the iPhone 5 in nine countries on September 21, including the US and UK, adding Hong Kong and Singapore to its opening-weekend line-up for the first time. Another 20 countries will follow a week later, including Poland and New Zealand.
          苹果拟于9月21日在首批9个国家发售iPhone 5,包括美国和英国,香港和新加坡也将首次跻身首批发售行列。一周后,包括波兰和新西兰在内的另外20个国家也将迎来iPhone 5上市。
          “We are positively surprised that this iPhone rollout is Apple’s fastest yet,” analysts at Barclays said. They had expected constraints in suppliers’ capacity to ramp up production of components forthe iPhone’s thinner touchscreen.
          Sterne Agee, a brokerage, -yesterday raised its forecast iPhone sales for the three months to theend of September from 23m to 26m and added 1m to its December forecast to 46m.



          经纪商Sterne Agee昨天将截至9月底的iPhone季度预测销量从2300万台上调至2600万台,截至12月的季度预测销量上调至4600万台,比原先多出100万台。
          RBC Capital Markets analysts said in a note to clients the iPhone 5 could be Apple’s “biggestupgrade in the company’s history”, suggesting it could sell 8m-10m units by end of the Septemberquarter, resulting in up to $5bn of incremental revenues.
          加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)分析师在致客户的一份备忘录中写道,iPhone 5可能是苹果“公司历史上最大的一次升级”,提出该机型到9月底将售出800万至1000万台,带来至多50亿美元的额外营收。
          Investors responded to the upgrades by driving Apple shares up more than 2 per cent, to touch anew intraday high of $683.70 in New York yesterday.
          The iPhone 4 sold about 113,000 units a day in each country and the 4S 191,000, leading HoraceDediu, an independent analyst at Asymco, to estimate that Apple's latest smartphone could reach 220,000, totalling 6m units in the launch weekend.
          iPhone 4在各国的每日平均销量为11.3万台,iPhone 4S为19.1万台。Asymco独立分析师霍勒斯德迪乌(Horace Dediu)因此估计,最新款iPhone 5可能创下22万台的各国日均销量,发售首个周末的总销量将达600万台。
          The addition of Hong Kong and Singapore to the iPhone 5's first launch regions is significant, saidMr Dediu, as they are lively retail markets that are popular spots for people to buy iPhones to sellon in China’s grey market.
          德迪乌认为,香港和新加坡加入iPhone 5的首批发布地区具有重要意义,因为这两个地区的零售市场交易活跃,是人们购买iPhone并转手销往中国“灰市”的热点地带。
          Apple has not yet revealed when the new smartphone will go on sale in China, its largest marketafter the US.
          苹果尚未公布iPhone 5何时将在中国内地上市。中国是苹果继美国之后的第二大市场。
          According to IDC, a market research firm, Apple’s share of the Chinese market almost halved to 10 per cent in the three months to the end of June, leaving it ranked fourth behind Samsung, Lenovoand ZTEin the country.

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