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双语新闻:埃及总统穆尔西访华 寻求中国经济支持









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发表于 2016-7-11 09:54:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Egypt's Morsi Firms China Ties
                Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi on his first official trip outside the Middle East took early steps to tie Egypt more tightly to Beijing, at a time when China's wider reach in the region is posing an increasing challenge to U.S. influence there.         
             在首次对中东以外地区进行正式访问的过程中,埃及总统穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)早早地为与中国建立更紧密关系采取了行动。中国在中东地区更广泛的影响力正在对美国在该地区的势力构成越来越大的挑战。  
        Mr. Morsi secured new Chinese credit for economic development in Egypt, and met Chinese President Hu Jintao at Beijing's Great Hall of the People Tuesday, the first day of his state visit. His trip will also include a closely watched stopover in Iran.         
        Mr. Morsi's visit underscores that Cairo and others in the region view Beijing as a critical partner. The warming ties come despite Beijing's reluctance to support the revolutions that have swept Mr. Morsi and others into power.         
        The high-profile visit signals China's approach to handling Arab Spring upheaval hasn't jeopardized its ties with regional powers, Chinese analysts said this week. Western leaders, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have criticized decisions by Beijing and Moscow to block United Nations action against Syria, for example.         
              中国的分析人士本周说,穆尔西此次高调访华释放出的信号是,中国处理阿拉伯之春革命的方式没有破坏中国与该地区大国之间的关系。包括美国国务卿克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在内的西方领导人曾经谴责中国和俄罗斯反对联合国制裁叙利亚的决定。  
        'If China was so bad for the Middle East people, I don't think President Morsi would come to China,' said Wang Suolao, who researches China-Middle East relations at Peking University.         
        China is battling negative perceptions in some parts of the Middle East, particularly after it vetoed with Russia U.N. Security Council resolutions targeting the Syrian regime in February and in July, defying calls for action by a number of Middle Eastern nations. China has long held that it won't support plans that it sees as meddling in other countries' affairs.         
        Nonetheless, analysts said the issue of Syria was unlikely to be the focus of Mr. Morsi's meetings with Mr. Hu and other Chinese leaders this week. Egypt's economy has been largely flattened by political unrest, and Cairo is eager to portray the visit as focused on spurring much-needed investment rather than Arab Spring politics.         
        'This is not about Syria, it's about bilateral relations with Egypt and the new projection of Egypt internationally,' said Nabil Fahmy, dean of the School of Public Affairs at the American University in Cairo and a former Egyptian ambassador to the U.S.        

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发表于 2016-7-11 11:12:37 | 显示全部楼层

              开罗美国大学(American University in Cairo)公共事务学院院长、前埃及驻美国大使法赫米(Nabil Fahmy)说,此次访问与叙利亚问题无关,而是关乎中国与埃及的双边关系,以及埃及在国际上的新形像。  
        Egypt's government is struggling with high unemployment rates and credit remains tight amid continuing fears of political uncertainty. At the same time, Cairo is eager to attract Chinese tourists and sell more goods to China, among other efforts aimed at reducing a severe trade imbalance.         
        Total trade between the countries surged to $8.8 billion in 2011 from around $6 billion in 2009, according to official Chinese statistics, though a trade deficit of $5.8 billion in 2011 continued to heavily tilt in China's favor. U.S. trade with Egypt totaled $8.3 billion in 2011, a slight decline from 2010, according to U.S. Trade Representative data.         
             据中国官方的统计数据显示,埃中贸易总额2011年增长到88亿美元,相比之下,2009年仅为60亿美元左右;不过,2011年埃及对中国贸易逆差为58亿美元,这意味着两国贸易仍然向中国方向倾斜。据美国贸易代表办公室(U.S. Trade Representative Office)的数据显示,美埃贸易总额2011年为83亿美元,略低于2010年的水平。  
        The most tangible outcome of Tuesday's meeting of the countries' presidents was a new $200 million credit line from China Development Bank to the National Bank of Egypt.         
              周二两国领导人会晤所取得的一项最为实实在在的成果就是中国国家开发银行(China Development Bank)向埃及National Bank of Egypt提供的2亿美元的新信贷额度。  
        Mr. Morsi's eagerness to deepen ties with China marks the latest sign that Beijing's emergence as a political force in the Middle East is complicating Washington's foreign policy there, analysts said.         
        Egypt's natural resources are much smaller than elsewhere in the Middle East, and China's warming ties there are viewed as a bid to curry favor with a traditional regional power broker rather than as a resource play.         
        Mr. Morsi's visit 'is part of a larger strategy to basically end Egyptian reliance on the West,' said David Schenker, an Egypt analyst at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. 'And they see China as an integral part to that strategy.'         
             华盛顿近东政策研究所(Washington Institute for Near East Policy)埃及问题分析师申克(David Schenker)说,穆尔西访华体现的是埃及试图结束对西方国家依赖的这一重大战略。埃及视中国为这一战略不可或缺的组成部分。
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发表于 2016-7-11 11:35:37 | 显示全部楼层

        Mr. Morsi, backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, is eager to demonstrate his visit to China, as well as to Iran later this week, as the beginning of a more proactive foreign policy. Mr. Morsi will also soon visit the U.S. and Brazil as part of his diplomatic debut.         
             得到穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)支持的穆尔西急于证明他对中国的访问(以及本周晚些时候对伊朗的访问)标志着埃及开始推行更加积极主动的外交政策。作为其首次外交出访的组成部分,穆尔西也将很快访问美国和巴西。  
        Cairo has long received economic and political backing from Washington, including significant amounts of military aid. Nonetheless, uncertainty is growing in some parts of Washington over Mr. Morsi's Islamist backing, as well as over his government's respect for the rule of law and human rights.         
        U.S policy makers, while still taking the measure of how Mr. Morsi's policies will develop, are finding themselves in the rare situation of vying with their Chinese counterparts for Cairo's attention and will want to avoid the prospect of Cairo leveraging Washington against Beijing in a competition for regional influence.         
        Mrs. Clinton, who met with Mr. Morsi in July, soon after he took power, made sure to convey that the U.S. is maintaining economic support for Cairo.         
        Mr. Morsi will be in the U.S. in September for meetings at the U.N. The White House hasn't yet said whether he will meet with U.S. President Barack Obama.         
              穆尔西今年9月将到美国参加联合国会议。白宫尚未说明他是否会同美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)会面。  
        U.S. officials, meanwhile, are keeping close tabs on China. Senior U.S. officials spent a day in discussions in Beijing earlier this month as part of the U.S.-China Middle East Dialogue. And next week, Mrs. Clinton will stop in China during a trip across Asia that comes as the Obama administration moves to deepen its military and strategic involvement across the region.         
        Some analysts, meanwhile, have compared China's deepening ties to Egypt with Beijing's inroads in Iran after its Western-backed shah was toppled in 1979. In the ensuing decades, Iran has played a key role in helping secure Beijing resources to fuel its economic growth, and warming ties with Egypt would serve longer-term and strategic ambitions in the region.         
        China has deepened military and security ties across the Middle East in recent years. That is as growing numbers of its citizens seek business there and state-owned companies acquire larger energy and other assets.         
        Beijing remains heavily reliant on Middle East oil to fuel its economic growth. Security analysts say China's leaders appear intent on bolstering strategic alliances there and using an increasingly modern navy to safeguard interests in the region.         
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