【译文】At present, 60% of the items discussed in the Security Council concern
Africa, and two thirds of the UN peacekeeping missions are conducted in Africa.
Without stability and development in Africa, global peace and prosperity is out
of the question. This is the reality that all of us must face.
1. 掌握习语out of the question的含义:if something is out of the question, it is
definitely not possible or not allowed。注意the不可省略。
译者处理“我们必须承认这样一个事实,没有非洲的稳定和发展,就没有世界的和平与繁荣。”时将“没有非洲的稳定和发展,就没有世界的和平与繁荣。”抽出单译一句,再处理“我们必须承认这样一个事实”。这句译文不仅地道,还符合英语习惯。此例具有代表性,应好好体会。 |