UN Secretary-General's Message for International Day of Older Persons
1 October, 2011
Next year marks 10 years since the adoption of the Madrid International
Plan of Action on Ageing. The theme of this year’s International Day of Older
Persons, “Launch of Madrid Plus 10: The growing opportunities and challenges of
global ageing”, reflects this upcoming milestone. This year we also commemorate
20 years since the adoption of the United Nations Principles for Older Persons.
These basic principles – independence, participation, care, self-fulfilment and
dignity – both enshrine the human rights of older persons and give us the
objectives for which we strive.
Nearly two-thirds of older persons live in developing countries, yet older
persons are still largely excluded from the wider global, regional and national
development agendas. At a time when the international community is preparing to
take stock of sustainable development and is looking to forge a development
agenda for the future, it is important that the needs and contributions of older
persons become a bigger part of the picture. Older persons are vibrant and
essential contributors to the development and stability of society, and more can
and should be done to utilize their potential.
Over the last decade, there has been progress in the formulation of
national plans of action related to ageing, including the emergence of
non-contributory pensions in some developing countries. However, discrimination
and social exclusion persist. These issues are a priority for the recently
established General Assembly open-ended working group on ageing.
As we commemorate milestones in global development for older persons, let
us recommit to the full implementation of the Madrid Plan of Action. In the
current fiscal environment, we must be vigilant in ensuring that the provision
of social protection, long-term care and access to public health for the elderly
is not undermined. On this International Day of Older Persons, I call on
governments and communities everywhere to provide more opportunities for their
ageing populations.
在我们纪念老年人在全球发展的里程碑时,让我们再次承诺全面实施《马德里行动计划》。在如今的财政环境中,我们必须警觉地确保老年人的社会保障、长期护理和公共保健权益不受影响。值此国际老年人日,我呼吁世界各地的政府和社区为其老年人提供更多的机会。 |