Remarks to "United Nations Academic Impact for a Better World" conference
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
November 1, 2010 Shanghai
联合国秘书长 潘基文
2010年11月1日, 上海
Vice Minister Hao Ping,
Vice Mayor [of Shanghai City] Shen Xiaoming,
Dr Pei Gang [of Tong Ji University],
Mr Zhou Zhengkuan.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
同济大学裴钢教授 ,
Thank you for your welcome. It is good to see so many distinguished representatives of the academic community, government officials and the private sector. Thank you for coming together in support of the United Nations Academic Impact. China, and the city of Shanghai, is a fitting place for us to join forces. Innovation and change are all around us.
At every turn, we see cutting edge ideas and technology … born perhaps in a college laboratory or a library… through the spark of a professor…the curiosity of a student…the dynamism of a classroom. Last year, I visited a state-of-the-art solar facility in Xi'an. I saw energy efficiency technologies that will help us to tackle climate change. But I saw something more: a mutually reinforcing partnership between global and national purpose, a melding of scholarship and entrepreneurship in the service of humankind.
Yesterday, I was honoured to take part in the closing of the Shanghai Expo. Before that I visited some of the remarkable pavilions. More than 70 million visitors witnessed an extraordinary display of ingenuity from China and the world. The Shanghai Expo may now be history, but we can carry on its spirit of openness, dialogue and exchange with the world. That is what draws us together. And that is what China itself has made a high priority. It plans to dramatically strengthen its education system at all levels.
昨天,我很荣幸地出席了上海世博会的闭幕式。在此之前,我访问了许多场馆,给我留下了深刻的印象。世博会开放期间,超过7000万的参观者通过场馆目睹了中国以及世界其他国家卓越的技艺和精巧的构思。上海世博会也许已经成为历史,但是我们可以继续发扬其开放的精神,对话的精神,加强与世界的交流。也正是这些精神,使我们相聚在一起。中国,也在积极地追求这些精神。中国计划全面完善地加强其教育体系。 |