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发表于 2016-7-11 09:10:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    新东方网英语讯:白宫新闻办公室表示,奥巴马仍然在继续使用他自己的黑莓手机,他用这部黑莓跟亲朋好友联系,但如果处理保密的政府公务,他用Windows CE系统的手机,Sectera Edge或者L3 Guardian。研发这两款手机耗资1.1亿人民币,前一款售价约2万人民币。



          Inside Obama's Classified Smartphone
             President Obama is keeping his BlackBerry, according to the White House press office. While he'll be able to keep in touch with some personal friends using the device, if he wants to do secret government business he'll need one of two Windows CE smartphones: the Sectera Edge or the L3 Guardian.
          The Edge and the Guardian are the result of an $18 million, NSA-sponsored program to develop a top-secret smart phone, according to Randy Siegel, Microsoft's lead enterprise mobility strategist.
          Most BlackBerrys and Windows Mobile devices can work with "sensitive, but unclassified" data, according to Tom Liggett, the Sectera Edge product manager at General Dynamics. Those smart phones work with the FIPS 140-2 standard, which encrypts both data traffic and voice calls to a certain extent. And there are a lot of government functions, even in war, that aren't classified. In Iraq, for instance, FIPS 140-2-certified Windows Mobile devices are used for battle triage, roadside bomb detection, and even as sniper aids, Siegel said.
          But about 300,000 Americans have access to a secret, controlled Internet called SIPRNet, the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network. What's on there? It's classified. And the Edge and the Guardian are the only smartphones that can tap into it.
          "The BlackBerry device and the Windows Mobile devices currently are not cleared for SIPRNet communications," Siegel said. "This is the type of communication that a General Petraeus is giving, or many State Department officials, or many DHS officials."
          To make voice calls, for instance, the Edge uses an encryption protocol called SCIP, the Secure Communications Interoperability Protocol. It runs on any of the four national cell-phone carriers' – you can actually switch the cellular module out by hand – but the calls are encrypted end-to-end, so that they can only be decrypted by another SCIP phone.
          All the data on the device is encrypted using "NSA Type 1 algorithms," which are forbidden to be used by civilians, Liggett said. This is real spy-movie stuff.
          The Edge runs Windows CE, not Windows Mobile. Windows CE is the underlying kernel of Windows Mobile, but the Edge has more secure applications lying on top than the standard Windows Mobile suite. It can still do most of the things Windows Mobile devices do, Liggett said, including push email with Microsoft Exchange servers, playing media through Windows Media Player and editing Microsoft Word documents. (Yes, the government uses Microsoft Exchange, apparently.) Defense department users wanted something that looked like their Windows PCs, Liggett said.
          The Edge can also switch to an unclassified mode. How it does the trick is, apparently, classified. But by pressing a button, you can instantly call up entirely separate "classified" and "unclassified" systems. Each system has its own calendar, applications, data and voice calling. The system you aren't using waits in the background, ready for action with the press of a button. That would prevent Obama from having to carry a separate BlackBerry to talk to his friends and family.
          We can't get an Edge in for review. You need a security clearance to request one. If you've got one, though, prices start at $3300 and head down from there for bulk purchases.
          报道称,在美国,目前仅30万人可以连接到一个名为“秘密互联协议路由网”的网站。这是美军在全球使用的内联网(独立于民用互联网),由美国国防部负责运作,上面的内容都是机密,只有Sectera Edge和L3 Guardian手机能连上这个网络。
          至于这两款手机的其他绝密功能,以Sectera Edge手机为例,如果要打电话,Sectera Edge手机使用“安全交互通讯协议”(英文缩写为SCIP),只有另一部SCIP电话可以解码通话。“普通市民无法使用该手机的数据。”Sectera Edge产品经理汤姆·利格特说。
          另据介绍,Sectera Edge手机在Windows CE系统上运行,这一系统基于Windows Mobile系统,但其应用程序比后者更安全,不易被窃取。此外,它还能完成很多Windows Mobile系统不能进行的操作,甚至能切换成非机密模式——只要按一个按钮,就可以迅速地切换于不同模式间,每种模式的操作系统有独立的应用软件、通话设置等,被切换下的模式则在后台随时待命。如此一来,奥巴马可不需多带一部黑莓手机用来联系亲朋好友了。
          Sectera Edge手机售价不菲,约3300美元(约合人民币2万元)。

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