The deal reached in Washington on New Year’s day preventedthe US economy from falling off the so-called fiscal cliff. However, given the dysfunctional nature of the Americanpolitical system, it won’t be long before there is another crisis.
Two months, in fact. If no action is taken by March 1, $110bn of spending cuts will commence. Atabout the same time, the US will hit its statutory debt limit, known colloquially as the debt ceiling.
That is only the beginning. Later in 2013, and not before time, a bigger debate on medium-termfiscal consolidation will begin. This will lead to another dispute between Republicans, who want toshrink the size of the federal government, and Democrats, who want to maintain it but are unsurehow to pay for it.
So expect a big fight about entitlements, and a series of little fights over tax reform: should the USintroduce a value added tax? A flat tax? Higher (or lower) income taxes? A carbon tax? Should weclose corporate tax loopholes to raise more revenue? It’ll soon get messy.
因此可以预计,美国将围绕福利支出爆发一场大的冲突,围绕税收改革爆发一系列小冲突:美国应该推出增值税吗?应该推出单一税(flat tax)吗?应该提高(或降低)所得税吗?应该出台碳税吗?我们应该堵塞企业税收漏洞以提高财政收入吗?美国很快就会混乱起来
President Barack Obama and his allies will argue that the deal concluded on Tuesday raises only $600bn of revenues over 10 years rather than their initial target of $1.4tn – and therefore thereis further room for tax rises, at least for the wealthy. Republicans will argue that spending shouldnow be radically cut, since this week’s deal did not address that side of the national balance sheet. (Even the 2011 debt ceiling deal reduced prospective spending by $1tn).
美国总统巴拉克 奥巴马(Barack Obama)及其盟友将辩称,周二达成的协议只是让美国政府在未来10年可以获得6000亿美元的收入,而不是他们最初计划的1.4万亿美元,因此还有进一步增税(至少针对富人)的空间。共和党人将辩称,目前应该大幅削减支出,因为本周的协议没有谈及国家资产负债表的支出项目(就连2011年的债务上限协议也将预期支出削减了1万亿美元)。
In the meantime, the likely fiscal adjustment in 2013 will be about 1.4 per cent of gross domesticproduct. (Spread between the expiry of the payroll tax cut, the increase in the tax rates of therich, and some eventual cuts to spending.)
This translates into a 1.2 per cent of GDP drag on the economy during the year. If the economywas happily growing above trend – at say 3.5 per cent – that would not be such a big deal, asgrowth would still be above 2 per cent. In the past few quarters growth already averaged about 2 per cent. So the US could quite easily come perilously close to stall speed this year – or worse, ifthe eurozone crisis worsens.
The longer-term picture is bleaker still. The reality is that America is yet to wake up to the full extentof its fiscal nightmare. Even the typical Republican voter is not – being on average older andpoorer than a Democrat voter – in favour of gutting the welfare state. Tea Party extremists aremore noise than signal. That is why the plans of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, the Republicans’ losing presidential ticket, postponed all the tough spending cuts on Social Security and Medicare bya decade.
更长期的场景更为惨淡。现实情况是,美国仍未意识到财政危机的全部影响。即便是典型的共和党选民(平均而言比民主党选民年纪更大、更穷)也不支持削弱福利国家。茶党极端主义者只是口头上嚷嚷,说明不了什么问题。正因为此,落选的共和党总统竞选搭档米特 罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)和保罗 瑞恩(Paul Ryan)没有提出在十年内大规模削减社会保障和医疗保险(Social Security andMedicare)支出的计划。
Neither Democrats nor Republicans recognise that maintaining a basic welfare state, which is rightand necessary in our age of globalisation, rapid technological change and demographic pressure, implies higher taxes for the middle class as well as for the rich. A deal that extends unsustainabletax cuts for 98 per cent of Americans is therefore a pyrrhic victory for Mr Obama.
For now, he is being helped by the quiescent financial markets. It will probably take years for theUS to confront the reality of its fiscal position and raise revenues to a level sufficient to fund areformed – but not gutted – welfare state. Large fiscal deficits will remain the norm for the next fewyears, at least so long as the bond market remains quiet, as I believe it will.
就目前而言,金融市场波澜不惊对奥巴马有所帮助。美国将需要数年时间才会正视其财政状况的现实,并将收入提高到足以为一个经过改革(但没有削弱)的福利国家提供资金的水平。未来几年美国将依然面临巨额财政赤字,最起码只要债券市场保持平静(而这正是我预期的),情况就会如此。 |