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发表于 2016-7-11 09:09:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   Questions 91 — 100 are based on the following passage.
          This is offered as a textbook illustration of the principle that voters are far shrewder than most politicians believe. This case study highlighting Washington’s inability to fool anyone is based on a recent survey of the attitudes of people on Medicare about their new prescription-drug benefit.
          Last fall, when Congress added prescription-drug coverage to Medicare, the new law was hailed as a political masterpiece. Congressional Democrats, who overwhelmingly opposed the bill, thundered that they, too, were eager to provide a drug subsidy and smaller incentives to health insurers to participate. Liberals such as Sen. Edward Kennedy were confident that the drug bill, with plenty of holes in its benefit formulas, would inevitably be expanded around the time it took effect.
          Not many in Congress seemed troubled that the federal budget was deep in deficit, the nation was saddled with future expenditures for the Irap war and virtually no health care expert believed that the legislation would fit into its projected $400-billion-over-10-years cost framework. The new law was a cynical bargain that had more to do with the 2004 election than a rational approach to the prescription-drug needs of the nation’s elderly.
          The prescription-drug legislation seems a compromise between competing ideologies inserted into a fixed congressional budget. Put another way, it was sausage-stuffing in the guise of lawmaking. And, what no one anticipated was the reaction of the elderly, a group that votes in disproportionate numbers.
          91. The passage you are reading is the beginning part of a report in the original. Then, what is “This”, the first word, most probably referring to?
          A. An offered illustration.
          B. Part of a textbook on politics.
          C. What the author is going to write.
          D. The principle that voters are shrewder than most politicians believe.
          92. Also found in Paragraph 1, what does “this case study” probably refer to?
          A. A case study the writer is to talk about.
          B. Part of a textbook on politics.
          C. What the author is going to write.
          D. Washington’s inability to fool anyone.
          93. Based on a recent survey of the attitudes of people on Medicare is _____.
          A. the capital city of the United States of America
          B. a textbook on American politics
          C. what the author is going to write
          D. a statement that the American government cannot fool its people
          94. “Congress added prescription-drug coverage to Medicare” most probably means that the Congress of the USA decided to _____.
          A. add prescription-drugs to the Medicare program
          B. allow the Medicare program to provide refunding subsidies to selected medicines to be purchased by Medicare members
          C. increase payment to Medicare for refunding Americans buying prescription medicines
          D. provide insurance to prescription drugs purchased by Medicare participants
          95. Below are four groups of terms that are found in the passage. Which group contains at least one term that does not refer to the same things as the other terms within the group?
          A. the new law, the bill, the drug bill, the prescription-drug legislation, the legislation
          B.prescription-drug coverage, the new law, the drug bill, the prescription-drug legislation, the legislation
          C. the drug bill, the bill, Medicare with prescription-drug coverage added, the prescription-drug legislation, the legislation
          D. the new law, the bill, the drug bill, Medicare with additions including prescription-drug coverage, the prescription-drug legislation
          96. Democratic Congressmen suggested that the government should _____.
          A. be enthusiastic in providing a drug benefit to the people
          B. oppose the new legislation with thundering protests
          C. give more money, so to speak, to medicine markers and retailers
          D. provide financial assistance to people wanting to buy life insurance
          97. Paragraph 3 reflects basically the views and comments of _____.
          A. Congressional Democrats
          B. many other Liberals in the Congress
          C. Sen. Edward Kennedy
          D. the author of the passage
          98. According to the text, some health care experts believed that _____.
          A. the new law had a 10-year budget of about $400 billion but little was expected for the prescription-drug coverage
          B.the new law will have to wait another 10 years and cost about $400 billion before it is able to take effect
          C. the framework of the new legislation would be fit for a project that was to cost $400 billion over the next 10 years
          D. the projected $400-billion-over-10-years cost framework was planned to be budget for the current Iraq war
          99. Referring to the elderly as summarized in the passage, we can assume that they are _____.
          A. great in number and most will vote
          B. great in number but few tend to vote
          C. few in number and few tend to vote
          D. few in number but most will vote
          100. From the end of the passage we would expect the author to start his next paragraph most probably on _____.
          A. how the senior citizens of the United States responded to the new legislation
          B.the opinions of the few who anticipated what the reaction of the elderly was to be
          C. what the legislators would consider doing to avoid further legislative digressions
          D. major competing ideologies that differ on the coming congressional budget

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-7-11 09:33:36 | 显示全部楼层

          Section 3: Cloze Test (25 points) The time for this section is 25 minutes.
          In the popular mind, the Internet is the realization of the global village, where the flow of information and ideas is unimpeded by distance or national barriers. Much has been written ____ (1) the technology and the benefits that this system of unregulated information exchange will bring. But ____ (2) has been very little discussion about the languages — human, not computer languages ____ (3) are being used on the Internet.
          Central ____ (4) the ideology of the emerging Internet community is the freedom of the individual users to express ____ (5) as they like. Nevertheless, ____ (6) recently, it has been very difficult to communicate through the Internet in any language ____ (7) could not be expressed in the standard English alphabet as defined ____ (8) the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASSCⅡ).
          English is already the premier ____ (9) of science and technology worldwide. The peculiar restriction of ____ (10) able to communicate with only the limited ASCⅡ character set has worked to further encourage the ____ (11) English, especially by those ____ (12) native language is not normally expressed in some version of ____ (13) Roman alphabet.
          In fact, it seems to be typical that ____ (14) accessing a network in a non-English speaking country _____ (15) is often presented with a choice of the local languages(s) or English. Many of the national networks that have now linked ____ (16) to the Internet are used ____ (17) scientific and technical communication, ____ (18) a rapidly growing portion of the Internet’s community are non-professional people.
          Familiarity with English may be assumed ____ (19) a linguist or a physicist, but growing ____ (20) of users with no English language skills are joining the net in ____ (21) of the dominance of English in message forums and mail lists. Messages ____ (22) the Usenet newsgroups are overwhelmingly ____ (23) in English, and the bulk of the moderated mailing lists (including ____ (24) Linguist Discussion List, and international E-mail discussion list for linguists) are conducted in ____ (25).
          D 91. C 92. C 93. C 94. B 95. B 96. C 97. D 98. A 99. B 100. A
          Section 3 共25题,每题1分,满分为25分
          (1) about (2) there (3) that (4) to (5) themselves (6) until (7) that (8) by (9) language
          (10) being (11) use of (12) whose (13) the (14) when (15) one (16) up (17) for
          (18) but (19) for (20) numbers (21) spite (22) on (23) written (24) the (25) English
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